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205 results found

Care Trusts

NHS Care Trusts Contains: Care Trust data - Ect.csv contains only the parent organisations. All three Care Trust files follow the same format and conventions, although field 14 is only...

Care Trust Sites

NHS Care Trust Sites Contains: Care Trust Site data - Ectsite.csv contains only the sites. All three Care Trust files follow the same format and conventions, although field 14 is only...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B5b, Marine pollution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B5b, Marine pollution. Pollution by hazardous heavy metals and pesticides can have adverse effects on the marine environment...

Forest condition survey (1987-2006)

The Forest Condition Survey has been carried out since 1984 and, in addition to providing comprehensive information on tree health in Britain, it contributes to an EU programme monitoring the...

UK Ramsar broad wetland types

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

Organic Farming Scheme Agreements (England)

Organic Farming Scheme agreements holding boundaries data. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic...

Organic Farming Scheme Options (England)

Organic Farming Scheme Options points. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic farming methods receive...

OSPAR River Monitoring Programme

The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic know as the OSPAR Convention 1998 (Oslo Convention 1972 and Paris Convention 1974), is an agreement...

UK Biodiversity Indicator E2, Expenditure on UK and international biodiversity

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator E2, Expenditure on UK and international biodiversity. Spending is one way of assessing the priority that is given to...

UK Ramsar habitat cover

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all habitat cover data for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

UK Ramsar sites

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains basic site details for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK and its Overseas...

UK Ramsar human factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

One Scotland Gazetteer

The One Scotland Gazetteer is an address database made up of all 32 individual local authority gazetteers. All addresses are created in accordance with the national standard for addressing,...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C8, Mammals of the wider countryside (bats)

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C8, Mammals of the wider countryside (bats). Bat populations are considered to be a good indicator of the broad state of...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR12895

Survey name: Oving, Convent Land (West Sussex Mins Objector Site 51) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for...

Species point records from 1984 Swansea University Poole Harbour littoral sediment survey (English Nature)

Downshore transects have been established at nine locations along the northern shore of the harbour. Two sampling methods have been used. The first focuses on the infauna in general, including many...

Habitat point records from 1984 Swansea University Poole Harbour littoral sediment survey (English Nature)

Downshore transects have been established at nine locations along the northern shore of the harbour. Two sampling methods have been used. The first focuses on the infauna in general, including many...

UK Ramsar qualifying features (birds)

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all qualifying bird species (of international and national...

Occurrences of sensitive fish species in scientific trawl surveys of the Northeast Atlantic 1983-2020

The OSPAR (``_) fish biodiversity assessment concerns sensitive and often rare species in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and marginal seas. All fish species captured...

% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) - (low emission Buses before 2022/23)

% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) - (low emission Buses before 2022/23) There are set definitions for Low Emission Buses (LEB), Ultra-Low Emission...