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353 results found

Mid Devon District Council Heritage Assets - INSPIRE dataset

Buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions but which are not formally designated.

Health risks of bathing waters: Links between gastrointestinal illness and marine bathing

The 2006/7/EC European Bathing Directive stipulates water quality classification standards for recreational bathing waters based on specified limits for Faecal Indicator Organisms (FIOs). Presence...

WFD Cycle 2 lake salinity classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for Salinity in lakes. Salinity is a supporting element and is an ecological factor of considerable...

Brownfield Land Register

Brownfield sites that are included in brownfield land registers are those that local planning authorities have assessed against the criteria in regulation 4 of the 2017 Regulations and any other...

Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills 1995

Seabird concentrations are especially vulnerable to oil pollution, and may become contaminated by oil wherever concentrations occur at sea, sometimes at considerable distance from the coast. This...

Lough Erne Accountability Report - tables

In 2009 G8 Leaders made a public commitment to monitor their progress on the promises they have made on development. Since the Muskoka G8 summit in 2010 they have published an annual Accountability...

Species point records from 1997 NWNWSFC Cardigan Bay sublittoral sediment survey

Cardigan Bay lies between mid Wales and the N Pembrokeshire coast. The sublittoral habitats are patchy, ranging from boulder fields and small areas of bedrock ridges to large expanses of silty...

Species point records from 1987 Foster-Smith/Foster-Smith Beadnell to Dunstanburgh (Northumberland) littoral survey

1. This survey of the littoral and sublittoral habitats between Anstead Rocks and Dunstanburgh Castle, in Northumberland, has been designed to provide marine biologocal information for an assesment...

Habitat point records from 1997 NWNWSFC Cardigan Bay sublittoral sediment survey

Cardigan Bay lies between mid Wales and the N Pembrokeshire coast. The sublittoral habitats are patchy, ranging from boulder fields and small areas of bedrock ridges to large expanses of silty...

Habitat point records from 1987 Foster-Smith/Foster-Smith Beadnell to Dunstanburgh (Northumberland) littoral survey

1. This survey of the littoral and sublittoral habitats between Anstead Rocks and Dunstanburgh Castle, in Northumberland, has been designed to provide marine biologocal information for an assesment...

Results - Education and Skills Survey 2014

Responses to public and school consultation surveys on the future delivery of education and skills services The two data sets provide anonymised responses to two surveys that were conducted during...

Species point records from 1984 Smith Loch Sween mollusc and polychaete littoral survey

Loch Sween is one of 7 sites currently proposed by the Nature Conservancy Council as Marine Nature Reserves. It has been selected on the basis of its high scientific interest and conservation...

Habitat point records from 1984 Smith Loch Sween mollusc and polychaete littoral survey

Loch Sween is one of 7 sites currently proposed by the Nature Conservancy Council as Marine Nature Reserves. It has been selected on the basis of its high scientific interest and conservation...

Cost effective methods to measure extent and condition of habitats: Earth Observation Phase 3

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Phase 1 of the Making Earth observation work for conservation series of research projects created the Crick Framework, which...

Local Wildlife Sites

These are locally valued sites for wildlife. Designating them as an SBI is a means of protecting these sites of local interest and importance. SBIs have no statutory protection, but do receive some...


Historic England maintains a Register of Historic Battlefields. This is not a statutory list, but any sites on it are a material consideration in the planning process. Notifications of new and...


Historic England maintains a Register of Historic Battlefields. This is not a statutory list, but any sites on it are a material consideration in the planning process. Notifications of new and...


Historic England maintains a Register of Historic Battlefields. This is not a statutory list, but any sites on it are a material consideration in the planning process. Notifications of new and...


Historic England maintains a Register of Historic Battlefields. This is not a statutory list, but any sites on it are a material consideration in the planning process. Notifications of new and...

Sound of Harris - Biotopes

The Sound of Harris is a topographically complex marine area situated between North Uist and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Very little is known of the marine biota of the area but it is likely to...