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70 results found

Formation confinement analyses based on available results of laboratory geochemical measurements of brine samples for selected sites

The dataset is on analyses on formation confinement based on available results of laboratory geochemical measurements of brine samples for several field sites (shale wells, acidic gas storage...

Cyclic loading stress-strain data in polycrystalline antigorite serpentinite, at various confining pressures and temperatures (NERC grant NE/M016471/1)

Cyclic loading stress-strain data in polycrystalline antigorite serpentinite, at various confining pressures and temperatures. This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper:...

Triaxial compressive strength data of tests conducted at elevated temperature on hydrothermalised basalt samples from Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica) and oceanic crust basalt from Cocos Plate

This dataset contains raw (clean but not interpreted) triaxial compressive strength data of tests conductive at elevated pressure and temperature as outlined in "Vannucchi, P., Clarke, A., de...

Fluid-driven tensile fracture and fracture toughness in Nash Point shale at elevated pressure (NERC grant NE/L009110/1)

A number of processes, both natural and anthropogenic, involve the fracture of rocks subjected to tensile stress, including vein growth and mineralization, and the extraction of hydrocarbons...

Injection Beamtime, mechanical data (NERC grant NE/M001458/1)

The mechanical data (confining and injection pressures) recorded during Vickers indentation experiments on samples of shale materials. These experiments were conducted on the I12 beamline, Diamond...

Experimental data on tight rock permeability (NERC Grant NE/R017883/1)

The dataset describes the results of high pressure experimental measurements of three contrasting 'tight' rocks; a Bowland Shale, a Haynesville shale and Pennant sandstone. The results are...

Mechanical and physical properties of quartz sand aggregates (NERC grant NE/K009656/1)

These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, pore pressure, pore volume and elastic wave velocities of samples of quartz sand aggregates deformed under hydrostatic and...

Mechanical and acoustic properties of antigorite during brittle deformation (NERC grant NE/M016471/1)

These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, elastic wave velocities of samples of Vermont antigorite and Westerly granite deformed under hydrostatic and triaxial...

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Providers (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from those...

Mechanical and physical properties of decane-saturated Purbeck Limestone (NERC Grant NE/K009656/1)

These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, pore pressure, pore volume, permeability and elastic wave velocities of samples of Purbeck Limestone deformed under hydrostatic...

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from...

Data of a controlled rupture experiment under triaxial conditions of Lanhelin granite, and acoustic data recorded for laboratory-scale seismic tomography. (NERC grant NE/M004716/1)

This data has been recorded during a triaxial rock deformation experiment where a Lanhelin granite samples was subjected to controlled shear failure. The data consists of mechanical data (load,...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Birth statistics, England and Wales (Series FM1)

Statistics on live and still births occurring annually in England and Wales. Statistics for births in previous years are included to show trends in fertility. It also covers birth counts and birth...

Border Crossings 2018

An exercise was conducted by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in Northern Ireland (NI) in collaboration with the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTaS) in the Republic of Ireland...

Mechanical data from laboratory shear failure experiments of fluid saturated Westerly granite (NERC Grant NE/S000852/1)

Data recorded during triaxial rock deformation experiments of Westerly granite in the presence of pressurised pore fluids (water). Data consists of mechanical data (load, displacement, confining...

Low-frequency, temperature-dependent seismic properties of antigorite (NERC grants NE/K009656/1, NE/M016471/1)

These data contain the shear modulus and attenuation of Vermont antigorite serpentinite in the seismic "low" frequency range, as functions of oscillation period (ranging from 1 to 1000s) and...

Mechanical data from laboratory rock physics characterisation and deformation experiments on Westerly granite and Darley Dale sandstone (NERC Grant NE/K009656/1)

Data recorded during hydrostatic pressurisation and triaxial rock deformation experiments of Westerly granite and Darley Dale sandstone. Data consists of mechanical data (load, displacement,...

Experimental direct shear friction dataset for synthetic clay gouges (NERC grant NE/L002469/1)

Friction coefficient and frictional stability (rate & state parameter) data for triaxially compressed direct shear experiments on kaolinite-rich china clay and Mg-montmorillonite fault gouges...