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Percentage of annual minor planning decisions completed within 8 weeks

Percentage of annual minor planning decisions completed within 8 weeks; .

Percentage of annual major planning decisions completed within 13 weeks

District planning authorities - Planning decisions by type of authority and speed of decision.

Species point records from 1993 MNCR Plymouth survey training data

MNCR training week. Only one site was properly surveyed at Bovisand Bay.

Habitat point records from 1993 MNCR Plymouth survey training data

MNCR training week. Only one site was properly surveyed at Bovisand Bay.

Cambridgeshire Districts Annual Housing Completions

District level data about the number of homes completed per year from 2002 to 2013, complied by the Cambridgeshire County Council Research and Monitoring Team

Renewable Energy Completions and Commitments 2014

Data on the renewable energy completions and commitments in Cambridgeshire for the monitoring year 01/04/2013-31/03/2014. This data is based on planning applications to district councils and the...

Affordable Housing Completions 2002-2016

Gross affordable housing completions in Cambridgeshire by district 2002-2016. Number of affordable homes completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2015/16 according to annual...

Cambridgeshire Housing Completions 2002-2017

Number of dwellings completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2016/17, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Business Intelligence (Research) team. Worksheet includes data by district,...

% successful completions from alcohol treatment

% successful completions from alcohol treatment. *This indicator has been discontinued.

% of all repairs completed on time - (YTD)

% of all repairs completed on time - (YTD)

Assets Of Community Value complete list

A list of successful and unsuccessful nominations and expired designations

Permanent dwellings completed, England, District By Tenure - Rolling 4 quarter total

This data set contains rolling four quarter totals (England only) on house building completions. From 2011/12 imputed data is included. Imputed data should not be seen as an estimate for the...

BIS economics paper no. 11: economic consequences for the UK and the EU of completing the single market

Underlying data from BIS Economics Paper no.11 'The economic consequences for the UK and the EU of completing the Single Market' [URN 11/517].

Affordable Housing Starts and Completions funded by the Homes and Communities Agency and the Greater London Authority

Starts and completions of affordable housing for England, bringing together those funded by the HCA and those funded by the GLA Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation:...

Licensee Recruitment and Completion Data

Numbers of participants recruited to each level of the leadership curriculum per licensee partnership. Numbers of participants who complete the qualifications per licensee.

Completed questionnaires for 1961 Census

Completed 1961 questionnaires

Completed questionnaires for 1981 Census

Completed Questionnaires from the 1981 Census

1991 Census - Completed questionnaires

Completed questionnaires from the 1991 Census.

Apprenticeships Starts and Completions, Region and Local Authority

Table shows numbers and index change since 2005/06 of apprenticeship starts and completions. Apprenticeships are paid jobs that incorporate on- and off-the-job training leading to nationally...

Affordable housing completions 5 year average

CSV file containing total affordable housing completions, 5 year rolling average based on 1991/2 to 2012/13. Number of affordable homes built (completed) by financial year of various affordable...