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836 results found

Freedom of Information (FOI) Statistics - Environment Agency

Annual statistics of the Environment Agency's Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. This dataset will be updated annually with data from 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024. Yearly (1st April - 31st...

OS Open Roads

OS Open Roads is a high-level view of the road network, from motorways to country lanes in Great Britain. The links represent an approximate central alignment of the road carriageway and include...

Qualification and Curriculum Development Agency transactional data Legacy system

Data held from the closed Arms Length Body the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Council

Gilt-edged Market Makers Data

Gilt-edged Market Makers Data facilitates the 'official, close of business reference price for each gilt in issue.

2014 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Aligning Spurdog Zero Quota Species 2014/15 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The overall objective of this FSP project was to seek regional, national and European stakeholder involvement in the proposal for a UK pilot project to develop a real-time Spurdog By-catch...

Forest Plans England

This scheme is now closed. Forest Plans have been introduced for landowners who are planning to carry out felling, restocking and thinning in their woodlands over a 20 year period. The Forestry...

Route data

Shape files of current route proposals including alignment and design speed of route

Column ozone levels in the UK

Column ozone levels at Lerwick, Camborne, Reading and Manchester Note: Camborne closed in December 2003. For the Baseline measurement and analysis of UK ozone and UV - 2012 click on web...

Estimated Aspergillus fumigatus concentrations at postcode level within close proximity of outdoor composting facilities in England, 2005-2014

These files represent the model build used to generate postcode level concentrations to estimate Aspergillus fumigatus exposure from outdoor composting activities in England between 2005 and 2014....

Warm Front data

For the last decade, the Warm Front Scheme was Government's key scheme to tackle fuel poverty. It closed in 2012/13. It provided grants to vulnerable consumers for heating and insultation...

Dedication Woodland Grant Scheme England

The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced...

NHS Support Agencies

NHS Support Agencies and Shared Services Contains: NHS Support Agencies in England: including current organisations and data for organisations that have closed in the current or previous...

DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) non-consolidated performance related payments

Non Consolidated performance related payments made by Department of Energy and Climate Change to staff since financial year end March 2011 Department for Energy and Climate Change was closed in...

Greater Anglia Data Site

Web-based. Holds information, in lieu of a physical data room, for accredited bidders. Competition for the franchise has ended. The data site is archived by the data site provider on to DVD. Will...

General Medical Practices - by Primary Care Organisation

GP Practices making up each Clinical Commissioning Group, Care Trust, Local Health Boards in Wales (or old style Primary Care Group for closed GP Practices). Contains: A mapping of GP...

Disclosure and Barring Service: barring figures

Number of barring cases received and closed in last financial year, also includes current number on the barred lists.

HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards report

Forum to Oversee the Implementation of new HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards: annual reports The Review of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards ran from 2005 to...

Gross Affordable Housing Supply, England

This release presents data on affordable housing supply in England. This was previously entitled 'Gross Affordable Housing Supply’ and has been renamed to 'Affordable Housing Supply’. This is...

Affordable Housing Supply, England

This release presents data on affordable housing supply in England. This was previously entitled 'Gross Affordable Housing Supply’ and has been renamed to 'Affordable Housing Supply’. This is...

Recorded crime data at local authority level

The datasets contain recorded crime figures for local authorities. The data are rolling 12 month totals, with data points shown at the end of each financial year between 2002/03 and 2006/07 and at...