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863 results found

Data on GB new van sales from JATO

Commercial data on GB new van sales. Data collection ceased.

Average road fuel sales, deliveries and stock levels

Official statistics in development based on average road fuel sales, deliveries and stock levels at sampled filling stations in the United Kingdom. Data for the previous week ending Sunday will be...

Sales Invoices

Wilton Park - Sales invoices raised to funders and fee paying participants

Sales Contracts

FCO(S) - Sales Contracts

Retail Sales

Contains a first estimate of retail sales in volume and value terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Nursery Survey: 2017 Edition

A Nursery Survey was set up in 2007 to assess sales of improved nursery stock. The survey covers sales of Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

Nursery Survey: 2018 Edition

A Nursery Survey was set up in 2007 to assess sales of improved nursery stock. The survey covers sales of Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

Nursery Survey: 2019 Edition

A Nursery Survey was set up in 2007 to assess sales of improved nursery stock. The survey covers sales of Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

Nursery Survey: 2016 Edition

A Nursery Survey was set up in 2007 to assess sales of improved nursery stock. The survey covers sales of Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

Nursery Survey: 2020 Edition

A Nursery Survey was set up in 2007 to assess sales of improved nursery stock. The survey covers sales of Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

Nursery Survey: 2015 Edition

A Nursery Survey was set up in 2007 to assess sales of improved nursery stock. The survey covers sales of Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

Personal licences (sale of alcohol)

This dataset shows licences granted to individuals to authorise a sale of alcohol. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your computer and open it in a spread sheet program like...

Data on EU new car van sales purchased from POLK

Commercial data on EU new car and van sales

Performance Dashboard Sale of veterinary medicines: applications for special treatment certificates

This dashboard shows information about how the Sale of veterinary medicines: applications for special treatment certificates service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The...

Health Inequality: Closing The Life Expectancy Gap Over Time? Key Messages

This slide deck includes a short briefing which summarises key findings from the full analysis ‘Health inequality:’ Closing the life expectancy gap over time?’ for both Camden and Islington.

Timber Price Indices: Data to March 2017

The latest National Statistics on Timber Price Indices produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 18 May 2017 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics...

Timber Price Indices: Data to March 2015

The latest National Statistics on Timber Price Indices produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 14 May 2015 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics...

Timber Price Indices: Data to September 2018

The latest National Statistics on Timber Price Indices produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 15 November 2018 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics...

Timber Price Indices: Data to March 2018

The latest National Statistics on Timber Price Indices produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 17 May 2018 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics...

Timber Price Indices: Data to September 2017

The latest National Statistics on Timber Price Indices produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 9 November 2017 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics...