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Saltmarsh Change

Saltmarsh Change Summary: The Saltmarsh Change layer shows the recent change in saltmarsh extent across England, since a baseline inventory was completed in 2006 to 2009. Dataset...

Customer Data Management System

Customer names, addresses, services delivered, interactions etc.

Workforce Management Information - TSol

Details of the total paybill cost, and numbers of staff by grade for the Attorney General's Office, HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and the Treasury Solicitor's Department. It gives a...

FSA Workforce Managment Information

Monthly information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the FSA, both payroll and non-payroll including consultants. Split between full-time equivalents (FTE) and headcount and mapped to standard...

Unregistered schools management information

Management information on unregistered schools in England, from 1 January 2016 onwards.

Small Woodland Management Plans

Boundaries of land captured as part of small woodland management plan processing. The small woodland management plan template has been created to help encourage and support owners of small...

EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

Ofwat workforce management information

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs.

Marine Management Organisation Socio-Economic Typologies of Coastal Communities

Created as part of the MMO report - Maximising the Socio-Economic Impacts of Marine Planning for English Coastal Communities (planning team). Differentiates between different types of of coastal...

Woodland management

Woodland management

Performance Management

Process of liaison with DG's to establish Performance Review marking for staff across the department. Linked to diversity data including age, gender, disability, ethnicity.

Debt Management

This data is extracted from the Department's Debt Manager System, the IT solution used to record, calculate, decide recoverability and recover overpayments of DWP and other Social Security...

Land Use Change Statistics

Live tables on Land Use Change Statistics. Land use change statistics are annual data. Data are published quarterly, with 3 of the 4 releases each year containing updated data.

Climate change and transport choices

SPSS dataset containing the anonymised responses from the survey conducted to inform the development of the DfT segmentation model of public attitudes to climate change and transport choices.

Climate Change Levy and Carbon Price Floor Bulletin

Statistics on Climate Change Levy and Carbon Price Floor receipts and liabilities for the UK. Prior to the introduction of the Carbon Price Floor (April 2013) the publication 'Climate Change Levy...

Forestry Statistics 2016: UK Forests and Climate Change

The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 22 September 2016 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed...

Forestry Statistics 2018: UK Forests and Climate Change

The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 27 September 2018 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed...

Forestry Statistics 2015: UK Forests and Climate Change

The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 24 September 2015 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed...

Forestry Statistics 2017: UK Forests and Climate Change

The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 28 September 2017 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed...

Marine Management Organisation Office Locations Web Feature Service (WFS)

The shapefile shows the locations of MMO marine offices.