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143 results found

Automated high resolution soil respiration campaign data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest (2013 - 2014)

This dataset provides data on automated high resolution soil respiration measurements as micromoles of Carbon dioxide per square metre per second. Automated high resolution soil measurements were...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-214 - Sulzer Chemtech dynamic test campaign data, Jan 2015

This dataset relates to the scientific journal article "A pilot-scale study of dynamic response scenarios for the flexible operation of post-combustion CO2 capture" (Tait et al. 2016), a study...

List of domain names

The UK Government manages the domain name registry in order to signify digital services that are part of the administration of the state, so that they can be identified as authoritative and...

Crowdfund Plymouth

Multiple datasets showing information around Crowdfund Plymouth, a Plymouth City Council campaign which allows the council to review local projects and pledge towards...

London Ambulance Service NHS Trust (LAS) conveyance of FAST+ patients suspected of stroke

Conveyance information relating to patients attended to by the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust (LAS) who were identified from the ambulance patient record as having a deficit on one or more of...

Diffuse CO2 degassing data from three campaigns across the Main Ethiopian Rift (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

Diffuse CO2 degassing data from three campaigns across the Main Ethiopian Rift. Data are referenced in Hunt et al., 2017: Spatially variable CO2 degassing in the Main Ethiopian Rift: Implications...

Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy - Assumptions: Resident

This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council's Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them  R1 - Our...

Vegetation data from permanent sample plots established during a 2019 field campaign in Gorongosa National Park, Gorongosa District, Mozambique

This dataset contains tree species and associated measurements from an initial survey of 8 x 1 ha Permanent Sample Plots (PSP) and 2 x 1 ha biomass measurement plots established on the Eastern...

London Ambulance Service NHS Trust Blue light call journey times to HASUs by PCT

Conveyance information relating to patients attended to by the London Ambulance Service NHS who were identified from the ambulance patient record as having a deficit on one or more of the face, arm...

Contact database

Contact database for communications purposes contains contact information and contact history and response. The data is split in to those contacts that are managed automatically and those which...

Environment and Countryside Management: Results from the Farm Business Survey

These results cover which environmental activities are being carried out and the reasons for doing so. They also cover the area of various habitats found on farms. Source agency: Environment,...

Data from the Egrett Microphysics Experiment, with Radiation, Lidar and Dynamics campaigns (EMERALD-1 and EMERALD-2), part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme

The EMERALD projects were airborne measurement campaigns designed to study dynamical, microphysical and infra-red radiative properties of cirrus clouds, using both in-situ and remote measurement...

Data from the Egrett Microphysics Experiment, with Radiation, Lidar and Dynamics campaigns (EMERALD-1 and EMERALD-2), part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme

The EMERALD projects were airborne measurement campaigns designed to study dynamical, microphysical and infra-red radiative properties of cirrus clouds, using both in-situ and remote measurement...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Towards more flexible power generation with CCS: pilot plant test campaigns for best practice guidelines for post-combustion capture

This project aims to build on and strengthen joint industry research programmes between Edinburgh, Doosan Power Systems in the UK and Sulzer ChemTech, a world leading manufacturer of separation...

Volcan de Fuego and Mt. Etna Infrasound data (NERC grant NE/P00105X/1)

Infrasound Data collected at Volcan de Fuego (Guatemala) during three campaigns (May and November 2018, and June 2019). Associated article

1995 IFREMER Cartopep Acoustic Survey data - Habitat map

Interpretation of Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter data from the Cartopep campaign carried out by Ifremer, France (1995). Multibeam bathymetry data processed with the Caraibes software (v3.9)...

2022, Chrysaor Resources (Irish Sea) Ltd, EIS Debris Clearance Bathymetry Survey, Debris Clearance Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1375

An oil and gas industry debris clearance bathymetry survey (joint with Spirit Energy campaign) acquired under licences P99, P706 in July 2022. The block numbers traversed were 110/7, 113/26, 110/2.

Snow-Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions over Heterogeneous Landscapes Project: Vegetation and Meteorological Observations at the Abisko Site

Vegetation and meteorological observations (snow and radiation) were collected by various ground instruments in an area of forest near Abisko (Sweden) during measurement campaigns in March and...

Snow-Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions over Heterogeneous Landscapes Project: Vegetation and Meteorological Observations at the Abisko Site

Vegetation and meteorological observations (snow and radiation) were collected by various ground instruments in an area of forest near Abisko (Sweden) during measurement campaigns in March and...

Growing season methane and nitrous oxide static chamber fluxes from Sodankylä region, Northern Finland

This dataset contains calculated terrestrial fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide using static chambers from the Sodankylä region of Northern Finland across both forest and wetland ecosystems....