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1,240 results found

Median House Prices (Land Registry)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Mean House Prices - Land Registry (Quarterly)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Mean House Prices (Land Registry)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Lower Quartile House Prices - Land Registry (Quarterly)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Second UK Habitats Directive report (2007) - Follow up actions to this report

This dataset has been produced from a project identifying necessary actions to demonstrate real conservation progress, as required by the Habitats Directive. Since 2007 JNCC, working through its...

New targets and modes of action for pesticides

New targets and modes of action for pesticides

Notice to Improve Improvement action plans

Notice To Improve - Improvement action plans provider specific

Peatland ACTION Project Officer areas

Dataset showing the areas of the various PA project officers. Applicants and potential technical partners are encouraged to contact these offices if they require assistance or further information.

Peatland ACTION Feasibility study polygons

Distribution of feasibility study projects funded by Peatland ACTION. The dataset shows boundaries on the sites (when the polygon geometry is available). Distribution of Feasibility Study projects...

Peatland ACTION Completed restoration footprints

Completed restoration projects footprint in PeatlandAction refers to the geographic extent of peatland restoration projects that have been completed. These footprints are represented as polygons on...

Peatland ACTION - Peat depth / Condition

NatureScot (NS) has prepared a consolidated spatial dataset of peat depth measurement collected across Scotland. The information was collected during peat depth surveys conducted as part of various...

Peatland ACTION Feasibility study centroids

Distribution of completed Feasibility Study projects sites since 2013. Distribution of completed Feasibility Study projects sites since 2013. Each point represents the centroid of the survey area...

Elmbridge Borough Council Biodiversity Action Plan Habitats

Dataset showing the Biodiversity Action Plan Habitats within Elmbridge Borough Council’s administrative area as of the 2011 Adopted Local Plan. Upon accessing this licensed data you will be deemed...

% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey

% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey

Corporate Complaints - Corrective action at Stage 3 2014

Log detailing corrective action required for all complaints at Stage 3 of the process in 2014. Stage 3 is the final stage of escalation for complaints. All such complaints response will are...

UK Biodiversity Indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation. The amount of time people spend volunteering to assist in...

Surrey Heath Borough Council Camberley Area Action Plan

Dataset displaying the Area Action Plan boundary for Camberley town centre improvements. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End...

% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Gap - Bryophytes

Understanding the status, autecology and taxonomy of UK Biodiversity Action Plan species: arable bryophytes

household characteristics

tenure trends at national and regional levels; cross-tenure comparisons of characteristics of households and their accommodation; overcrowding and under-occupation; need for specially adapted...