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561 results found

Green Belt

The extent of the Green Belt around Nottingham - Derby which appears within the boundaries of Nottingham City. The Local Plan policy is to maintain the openness of the Green Belt.

Green Wedges

Green Wedges comprise the open areas around, and between, parts of settlements which maintain the distinction between the countryside and built-up areas, prevent the coalescence of adjacent places...

Green Belt

GIS polygon dataset identifying the extent of the Green Belt within the Bolton Borough. The Green Belt is subject to Local Authority Planning Local Plan policy to maintain the extent, character and...


The extent of the North Durham Green Belt defined in County Durham. The boundaries shown have been adopted in District Local Plans. The boundary of the Green Belt will be re-defined through the...

Village Greens

Village Greens

Village green

Village greens


GIS polygon dataset identifying the extent of the Green Belt within the Brentwood Borough. The Green Belt is subject to Local Authority Planning Local Plan policy to maintain the extent, character...

Green Space

Green Spaces within Luton.

Metropolitan Green Belt

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all designated areas of Green Belt within the London Borough of Sutton. The fundamental aim Green Belt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land...

Green Belt

Land defined as Green Belt

Bowling Greens

Bowling greens including, location and addresses.

Green Spaces

Open and green spaces within Birmingham

Green Corridors

Green Corridors in Southampton are known as Greenways. Ribbons of open space that follow stream valleys. They form valuable breaks in the built up area and in some cases reach out into the open...

Green Infrastructure

Dataset shows green infrastructure within South Ribble

Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure in the Borough of Wellingborough

Green Belt

Areas designated as Green Belt in Stockport

Village Greens

Land designated as Village Green in Stockport

Village Greens

Locations of VILLAGE GREENS within the Ribble Valley.


Locations of all registered village greens in Rutland

Green Corridors

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all green corridors within the London Borough of Sutton. They largely comprise of sites of interest for nature conservation (SINCs) and other nature...