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90 results found

Northern Ireland Railways NIR Signal Posts

A signal post is a structure that supports the NIR signals. These are visual display devices which convey instructions or provide warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed...

School Crossing Patrol Signals

School crossing patrol signals in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

HALOGEN AMI Signal Setting information

The data in the report is derived from Signal Setting information from the Advanced Motorway Indicator signs (AMIs) on the Highways Agency's English motorway network at an individual sign level....

Luminescence signals and estimates of dose rate from sediment cores, Lake Suigetsu, Japan

This dataset contains information about the luminescence signals measured from the Lake Suigetsu sediment cores across four time periods: the last 500 years (537 to -47 cal BP), the Laschamp...

Data files from study of Thermoremanent behavior in synthetic samples containing natural oxyexsolved titanomagnetite (NERC grant NE/I013873/1)

All the raw experimental data obtained for the study reported in Hodgson, E., Grappone, J. M., Biggin, A. J., Hill, M. J., & Dekkers, M. J. (2018). Thermoremanent behavior in synthetic samples...

QICS Paper: Phosphorus behavior in sediments during a sub-seabed CO2 controlled release experiment

The CO2 controlled release experiment “Quantifying and Monitoring Potential Ecosystem Impacts of Geological Carbon Storage” (QICS) assessed the impacts of potential CO2 leakage from sub-seabed...

Routing Structure

These indicate the location of key structures related to the highway network. These may be: Barriers: Structures or equipment constructed to control, obstruct, or prevent passage or access Bridges...

Alcohol Prohibation Zone Areas

Areas where the public consumption of alcohol has been prohibited to reduce the level of Anti Social Behavior (ASB). Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms...

Consumer Insights tracking survey

This survey monitors consumer behaviors and attitudes in relation to food availability, affordability and confidence in the food industry and its regulators. This survey was established in November...

Documents relating to the VMD's internal Alert Group which considers significance of pharmacovigilance data received on veterinary medicinal products

Results of proportinal reporting ration analyses and investigations into the signals detected.

Aids to navigation

Spatial layer of Aids to Navigation. Attributes of Beacon; Buoy; Signal; Signage; Dolphin.

CO2 leakage detection

UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2020. Experimental data are the acoustic emission (AE) signals collected with three AE sensors when CO2 leak from a CO2 storage cylinder under different pressures....

Alcohol Prohibation Zone Notices

Locations of signs to notify people that they are within an area where the public consumption of alcohol has been prohibited. These areas have been created to reduce the level of Anti Social...

Pedestrian crossing points

A dataset to show the traffic light crossing points in Leeds giving road name, postcode, easting and northing. The data consists of * road junctions which contain signalled crossing points. * ...

Tasiilaq hydrothermal graphite, nitrogen content (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Measurements of the nitrogen content of hydrothermal graphite deposits and associated silicate rocks. The samples are of Paleoproterozoic age and allow constraining the behavior of nitrogen in...

Direct-shear experimental data on sedimentary gouge samples under high confining pressure and sliding velocity steps

This dataset contains raw experimental direct shear testing data as presented by "Ougier-Simonin, A., Castagna, A., Walker, R. J., & Benson, P. M. (2018). Frictional and mechanical behavior of...


This real-time data contains details of SCOOT loops on highways in Greater Manchester. SCOOT loops are installed at traffic signals, and are used to measure traffic congestion. The data is...

Nature Improvement Areas

NIAs are areas of the country where partnerships have been set up to enhance the natural environment. NIAs embody an integrated, holistic approach that was signalled in the Natural Environment...

Electron holograms (NERC grant NE/J020508/1)

3 datasets comprising of electron holograms acquired during in situ heating of a magnetite particle within a transmission electron microscope. Details of the experimental acquisition of the...

Tracking Op HERRICK (Afghanistan) VSI/SI Operational Casualties

This report provides statistical information on patients that were very seriously injured (VSI) or seriously injured (SI) on Operation HERRICK (Afghanistan) as listed on the initial Notification of...