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84 results found

Met Office Download Service (Atom Feed)

Met Office INSPIRE Download Service (Atom Feed)

National Heart Failure Audit 2011/12 Clinical Practice Analysis

This dataset comprises a set of analyses concerning the treatment of patients with heart failure by NHS hospitals in England in 2011/12. It has been reproduced from the National Heart Failure Audit...

National Heart Failure Audit 2012/13 Clinical Practice Analysis

This dataset comprises a set of analyses concerning the treatment of patients with heart failure by NHS hospitals in England in 2011/12. The data has been reproduced from the National Heart Failure...

Atomic scale simulations of hydrous vacancies in forsterite (NERC Grant NE/M000044/1)

These data files represent simulations of hydrated cation vacancies in the mantle mineral forsterite (Mg2SiO4) undertaken using the CASTEP atomic scale simulation code (

Spend over £25,000 in Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Spend over £25,000 in Heart of Birmingham Teaching Primary Care Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Heart of Birmingham teaching Primary Care Trust, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

Hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy construction drawings (NERC Grant NE/P004024/1)

Graphite software drawings of hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) parts. Each part is on a different file. Complete housing assembly drawing shows stacking of all different part on assembled...

Sacred Heart School Water Level Monitor

An NFM project on Backstone Beck in Ilkley will begin in 2019. This approach to managing flood risk is also referred to as 'Working with Natural Processes' (WwNP). The two terms mean the same thing...

Referrals to cardiac rehabilitation within 5 days of an admission for coronary heart disease (CCGOIS 1.24)

Proportion of referrals to a cardiac rehabilitation programme that took place within five days of the start of a hospital admission for coronary heart disease, expressed as a percentage, with 95%...

Atomic Force Microscopy images of surface nanobubbles on the carbonate mineral dolomite (NERC grant NE/M011429/1)

Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy images (NC-AFM) of surface nanobubbles on the carbonate mineral dolomite. Since surface nanobubbles were first imaged in 2000, they have been of growing interest...

Atomic Force Microscopy images of surface nanobubbles on the rare earth fluorcarbonate mineral synchysite (NERC grant NE/M011429/1)

Non -contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) images of surface nanobubbles on the fluorcarbonate mineral synchysite. Synchysite is a rare earth fluorcarbonate mineral which has previously been...

All-cause mortality – 12 months following a first emergency admission to hospital for heart failure in people aged 16 and over (CCGOIS 1.21)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of deaths that occur in the 12 months following a person’s first emergency admission episode with a primary diagnosis of heart failure in a three year...

Historic Environment Scotland Download Service (Atom Feed)

This download service provides spatial data available from Historic Environment Scotland. The following datasets are included: - World Heritage Sites - Conservation Areas - Scheduled Monuments -...

Completion of cardiac rehabilitation following an admission for coronary heart disease (CCGOIS 1.3)

Proportion of referrals to a cardiac rehabilitation programme that were recorded as completed within 365 days of the start of an associated hospital admission, expressed as a percentage with 95%...

UKAEA Transactions

Financial transactions of the UK Atomic Energy Authority. Published monthly.

Authority Pension Scheme Records

Records related to the operation of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Pension Schemes.

BGS INSPIRE download service feed

This INSPIRE network service provides an Atom feed of predefined datasets that are available for download.

UKAEA Prompt Payment Data

Prompt payment return data for the UK Atomic Energy Authority, showing invoices paid within 5 and 10 days of receipt.

Speleothem chemical data and soil acidity experiments (NE/K012827/1)

speleothem data - ICP-AES (Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) , incomplete soil acidity experiments - soil water chemistry after acidification - incomplete

Newborn Infant Physical Examination

Solution for captuing head to toe physical examination of babies for eyes, heart, hips