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3,922 results found

Schools Water - Cost (£)

Schools Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

Schools Waste - Cost (£)

Schools Waste - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Crown Prosecution Service Facility Time Report 2017-2018

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 requires the CPS to collate and publish, on an annual basis, a range of data on the amount and cost of facility time within...

Annual bus statistics

Statistics presenting latest annual data for local buses in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Annual bus statistics

Fire Statistics Annual

Data on incidents attended by Fire and Rescue Service in the UK. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Annual...

Sentencing Statistics Annual

Annual pivot tables - data from Court proceedings database

Annual innovation report

Data used in the Annual innovation report 2012. The fourth annual innovation report that gives the latest available evidence on UK innovation performance and the contribution of business,...

Child Benefit Annual Small Area Data

Child Benefit claimants and children as at 31st August. Geographical analysis down to Lower-layer Super Output Area.

Annual report of incidents - Food Standards Agency

The release includes an appendix presenting numbers and types of incidents, reported to the Food Standards Agency, that have the potential to impact on the safety of food. The release adopts a...

Crown Prosecution Service Major Projects Portfolio data, 2015

Each government department has published detailed information about projects on the Government Major Project Portfolio (GMPP). This includes a delivery confidence assessment rating, financial...

Annual Reports

MACC - Annual Report

Annual Accounts

MACC - Annual Accounts

Cost of Ownership

Cost of Ownership

Cost per decision for all permanent and temporary migration applications

The total costs attributed to processing all permanent and temporary migration decisions, the number of applications decided and the cost of each decision for all permanent and temporary migration...

Payroll costs and non-consolidated pay data in Cabinet Office

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Cabinet Office & Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for Cabinet Office in respect of the performance year...

Payroll costs and non-consolidated pay data in the Department of Health

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Department of Health & Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for the Department of Health in respect of the...