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Town Centre Boundaries

Area of a town that is within the town centre as defined on the Local Plan and within which new town centre related services and facilities would be expected to be.

Town Centre Boundaries

showing boundaries of Town Centres as defined in the London Plan and lambeth's Core Strategy; these are the larger shopping areas such as west norwood or clapham.

Town Centre Area

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Town Centre Area and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

Town and Village Greens

Data set of Town & Village Greens and Registered Common Land

Town and Village Greens

Location of town and village greens in Northampton.

Major Town Centes

Major town centre (MTC) polygons mapped as part of the Authority’s Local Development Framework

Local Town Centres

Local town centre (LTC) polygons mapped as part of the Authority’s Local Development Framework

District Town Centres

District town centre polygons mapped as part of the Authority’s Local Development Framework

Town Centre Classifications

Boundaries of local Town Centres in the Bolton Borough.

Town Centre Boundaries

Town Centre Boundaries include the primary shopping areas and areas predominantly occupied by main town centre uses. The Town Centre hierarchy is designated in the London Plan

Town Centre Boundaries

Policy from the Runnymede Borough Council 2030 Local Plan (Adopted 16th July 2020). Designated as Policy IE5 & IE6, this dataset shows the Town Centre boundaries. The Runnymede Local Plan...

Town Centre Boundary

Town Centre Boundary as identified within the Adopted Central Area Action Plan.

Major Towns and Cities

Digital vector boundaries for Major Towns and Cities in England and Wales in 2015. The Major Towns and Cities (TCITY) statistical geography provides a precise definition of the major towns and...

Town Centre Classification

Town Centre Boundaries include the primary shopping areas and areas predominantly occupied by main town centre uses.

Town Centre Boundaries

Dataset showing Town Centre boundaries as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031

Town Centre Areas

Town Centre Areas are defined by use of a polygon which can be used in a GIS application and that shows the areas designated as such.

Towns and Cities


Extent of retail development taking place within town centres in England

Data on retail development within town centres. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: PPS6 monitoring

Guildford Town Car Parks

Locations of car parks within Guildford Town Centre.

LDP Town Centre Area

Town Centre Areas designated in the Adopted Powys LDP (2011 - 2026) The Powys Local Development Plan (2011-2026) was adopted by Powys County Council on the 17th of April 2018 and became...