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825 results found

Statutory Safeguarding Zone

Dataset shows statutory safeguarding zone around nuclear power station

Statutory Open Spaces

Statutory Open Spaces form part of the Public Access Map. This includes: • City Walkways and Proposed City Walkways • Permissive Paths • Highway Maintainable at Public Expense • Privately...

Statutory Listed Buildings

Shows all statutory listed buildings and monuments in Hackney. From Design Team.

Statutory homelessness

Number of statutory homeless households expressed as a crude rate per 1,000 households Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Association of Public Health Observatories...

Statutory List

Buildings and structures of special architectural or historic interest that have been placed on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. The statutory body...

Statutory Compliance data

Documentation used to record and track compliance to HMRC's statutory requirements on the STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) estate. Updated: monthly.

Statutory Listed Buildings

The dataset contains polygons for statutory listed buildings within the London Borough of Barnet. These are buildings, objects or structures considered to be of special architectural or historic...

Halton Statutory Contaminated Land

Dataset showing Statutory Contaminated Land within the Councils administrative area. Areas recorded as polygons

Hackney Statutory Listed Buildings

Statutory Buildings in Hackney as polygons. List of building was downloaded from Historic England website ( and polygons were...

Statutory Main River Map Variations

The Statutory Main River Map Variations dataset defines proposed changes to the Statutory Main River Map. Statutory Main Rivers Map defines statutory watercourses in England designated as Main...

Statutory Main River Map

Statutory Main Rivers Map is a spatial (polyline) dataset that defines statutory watercourses in England designated as Main Rivers by the Environment Agency. Watercourses designated as ‘main...

Bradford planning statutory newspaper notices

This dataset relates to the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council's planning statutory newspaper notices, and is updated every month.

Planning statutory newspaper notices

This dataset lists all the planning statutory newspaper notices which are published in the local print media. Additional information ---------------------- * For further information on planning...

Coal Authority Microfiche Statutory Mine Plans

BGS holds a disaster recovery copy of the microfiche of the statutory mine abandonment plans for the Coal Authority. This collection is an incomplete copy of the mine plans deposited with the Coal...

Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) Statutory testing

Potato Cyst Nematode Statutory testing of soil samples

Index to statutory borehole notifications

Index to the statutory notifications of the intention to drill any boreholes, shafts or wells under the Mining Industry Act 1926 or the Water Resources Act 1991 for Great Britain. Index complete...

School Related Data for Statutory Assessments

Data collected on schools for the administration of statutory assessments including test order information. The data will include location/geographical information such as addresses and postcodes....

Forestry England Statutory Boundary for Forest of Dean

The Statutory Forest of Dean has existed since Norman times. Originally an area reserved for the King and his chosen few to hunt within, the Statutory Forest became defined as an area where the...

Pupil Related Data for Statutory Assessments

Data collected on pupils for the administration and outcome of statutory assessments including entry information, access arrangements, teacher assessments and test results. The data does not...

Statutory Safeguarding Zones - Bedenham, Fleetlands, Frater - Storage of munitions

The dataset shows the spatial extent of the statutory safeguarding zones represented on the corresponding hardcopy statutory safeguarding plans. Purpose: Safeguarding is a...