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Area Management - Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) - Functional Units

Nephrops distribution is limited by the extent of suitable muddy sediment in which animals construct burrows. Nephrops are assessed across Europe as individual stocks in 34 functional units (FUs)....

Area Management - Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) - Functional Units

Nephrops distribution is limited by the extent of suitable muddy sediment in which animals construct burrows. Nephrops are assessed across Europe as individual stocks in 34 functional units (FUs)....

Global Receiver Function from 2000 to 2019

This data set contains receiver functions calculated from three-component waveform data available in IRISDMC from 2000 to 2019. The waveform data are for earthquakes greater than magnitude 6.0,...

BEIS Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Severn Estuary SPA Functionally Linked Land Bird Sites

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent of functionally linked sites, locations and counts (ie.individual records with a unique ID) of Severn Estuary SPA interest...

Severn Estuary SPA Functionally Linked Land Bird Connectivity

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent of functionally linked sites, locations and counts (ie.individual records with a unique ID) of Severn Estuary SPA interest species...

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Digital, Data and Technology Services - staff numbers

Numbers of staff in Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Digital, Data and Technology Services - on 1 May 2016. The numbers are broken down by functional areas.

Ecosystem function data from Winklebury Hill, UK, in 2013

This dataset contains nitrate and ammonium concentrations, nitrification and mineralisation rates, particle size and microbial biomass data from soils taken from an experiment based at Winklebury...

Staff Salaries

GBCC - Salary per staff member

Staff Salaries

Wilton Park - Salary per staff member

Council staff

Data showing Plymouth City Council staff by department and year.

Staff list

GBCC - Staff name, addresses, NI number, DOB, next of kin

Staff list

Wilton Park - Staff name, addresses, NI number, DOB, health questionnaires, next of kin

Functional traits of tropical forest tree species, Sirsi, Western Ghats, India, 2021

This dataset includes tree eco-physiological traits characterising ranges of functioning of various components of trees. Specifically the dataset includes measurements of thermal limits of...

GPs' staff

This file contains GP staff member details. It normally consists of doctors, nurses and general practice administrators. GMC number field is only applicable to doctors.

Council Staff Headcount

This Dataset contains information relating to Staffing Levels at East Cambridgeshire District Council. The total number of full time and part time staff are specified. The different types of...

Senior staff expenses

These datasets show the expense claims of HEFCE senior staff – these are staff at director-level and above. Monthly summary data for individuals is provided under categories of spend such as rail,...

Staff permanent promotions

Details of staff permanently promoted. Updated: annually.

Staff temporary promotions

Details of staff on temporary promotion. Updated: annually.

Survey of finance staff

Annual survey of finance staff to capture numbers, grades and qualification status of staff working in the Finance Community.