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212 results found

Natura 2000 management bodies

Management bodies for each Natura 2000 site (SAC and SPA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. Special Protection Areas...

Natura sites in England (merged)

SPA and SAC sites in England as at April 2021. This dataset is static (not planned to be updated). This data is published only to support gamebird licensing from 31 May 2021 onwards. Attribution...

Natura 2000 designation type

Designated type information for each Natura 2000 site (SAC and SPA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. Special...

Special Protection Areas (England)

A Special Protection Area (SPA) is the land classified under Directive 79/409 on the Conservation of Wild Birds. Data supplied has the status "Classified". The data does not include "proposed"...

Coal Development Low Risk Area

The Development Low Risk area is an area where our records do not indicate the presence of coal mining features at surface or shallow depth which may pose a risk to surface stability or public...

Woodland predation shadow for waders

The data describes the potential area of impact of ‘significant’ areas of woodland upon breeding wading birds due to the predation shadow associated with the woodland. The purpose is to support...

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) Monitoring Programme Results 2013-2018

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are protected and designated sites under the EC Habitats and Birds Directives. The Directives list habitat types and...

Potential Special Protection Areas (England)

These are potential site boundaries. Please note that as a result of the consultation there may be minor changes to the final boundary of the site once classified. A Special Protection Area (SPA)...

Special Policy Areas

Special Policy Area boundaries (Dalston and Shoreditch SPAs) - part of the Local Development Framework.

Conservation measures for individual bird species: Tenth UK Report for Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive (2008-2012)

This dataset lists conservation measures that were taken (i.e. which are already being implemented) for the species during the 2008-2012 reporting period. This information formed part of the Tenth...

Special Protection Areas (time series)

Time series data for Special Protection Areas (SPA). A Special Protection Area is the land classified under Directive 79/409 on the Conservation of Wild Birds. Data supplied has the status...

Soil aggregate stability data from arable and grassland in Countryside Survey, Great Britain 2007

This dataset consists of Particle Size Distribution (PSD) measurements made on 419 archived topsoil samples and derived aggregate stability metrics from arable and grassland habitats across Great...

Boundaries of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) of Great Britain (excludes offshore areas)

This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Areas of Conservation in Great Britain (excluding offshore areas), **last updated in April 2019**. The date of the latest update to the data is...

Boundaries of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) of Northern Ireland (excludes offshore areas)

This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Areas of Conservation in Northern Ireland (excluding offshore areas), **last updated in May 2018**. The date of the latest update to the data...

Ipswich Borough Council - Wildlife Audit 400m Buffer

400m buffer which surround Core Areas Rank 1 and 2 (SPA/Ramsar and SSSI not including CWS) to protect them from adverse impacts.

At sea densities of puffin in the non-breeding season

This spatial dataset contains krigged density surfaces for puffin in the non-breeding season, in UK waters. Density surface maps were created by modelling ESAS data in order to identify regular...

At sea densities of puffin in the breeding season

This spatial dataset contains krigged density surfaces for puffin in the breeding season, in UK waters. Density surface maps were created by modelling ESAS data in order to identify regular areas...

Conservation Advice Package Status (England)

This dataset provides information on both terrestrial and marine protected sites across England, and the status of their Conservation packages, which are accessed via Designated Sites View. The...

2021 NatureScot predictive seaduck model within Special Protected Areas Moray Firth and Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex

In December 2020, a recent focus on the marine environment (Marine special protection areas selection process) included the classification of 12 marine special protection areas (SPAs) in Scotland...

2021 NatureScot predictive seaduck model within Special Protected Areas Moray Firth and Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex

In December 2020, a recent focus on the marine environment (Marine special protection areas selection process) included the classification of 12 marine special protection areas (SPAs) in Scotland...