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Public Spending Statistics

Public Spending Statistics present analyses of public spending against budgeting and expenditure on services frameworks. These analyses cover public spending by department, function and economic...

Spend analytics data

Analysis of departmental procurement spend extracted from departmental accounts payable data

Spend transactions by DFID

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over a threshold made by the Department for International Development, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

MOD exceptions to spending controls for January to December 2016

Reports on departmental exemptions to spending controls (moratoria). MOD publishes details of approved expenditure in areas limited by spending controls on a quarterly basis. To help tackle the...

Fish stocks around the UK fished within safe biological limits

Fish stocks around the UK fished within safe biological limits: 1990 to 2010. If you require the datasets in a more accessible format, please contact

Limiting long term illness

Data showing limiting-long term illness in Plymouth.

20mph Speed Limit Areas

Areas in Calderdale which have a 20 mph speed limit. .Tab files (zipped) and .JSON files contain data which can be used in various Geographic information systems. Excel and CSV formats do...

Limit of Sustainable Residential Development

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all Areas of Potential Intensification (API) within the London Borough of Sutton. APIs (formerly called sustainable residential quality or SRQ areas) are...

Enigma CCTV Limited Contract

Enigma CCTV Limited is a three year contract 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2025 Contract is to provide CCTV Monitoring services for Public Safety and the Library Service.  The Committee Report...

Food Standards Agency spending controls - approved exemptions

As part of the government's commitment to greater transparency, the FSA publishes quarterly data summaries of expenditure approvals for ICT, advertising and marketing, recruitment, property and...

Administrative spend over £500 in UK Trade and Investment

A monthly-updated list of administrative financial transactions spending over £500 made by UK Trade and Investment, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. From...

GPC spend over £500 in Food Standards Agency

A monthly-updated list of all GPC transactions spending over £500 made by Food Standards Agency, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Crown Prosecution Service

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Crown Prosecution Service

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Serious Fraud Office

Five key areas of spend have been affected with freezes on: -All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement...

Customer Contact Records system

Student Loans Company Limited's Customer Contact operational data. Contains data on contacts made by customers.

Cabinet Office spending approvals

A quarterly record of exceptions to the moratirium on spending in the areas of consultancy; ICT; advertising and marketing; property; and recruitment

Spend over £25k: DCMS

The data published shows spending on all items over £25k for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13 as extracted from the Departmental accounting system.

Ministry of Justice Spending Approvals

All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement Advertising and Marketing campaigns that require Cabinet...

Ministry of Justice Spending Approvals

All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement Advertising and Marketing campaigns that require Cabinet...

Public spending outturn series

Time series data going back five years using the full year outturn, showing trend information, taken from snapshot 31 (Main Estimates outturn snapshot April 2010). This is consistent with the...