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Meteorological data collected at Welsh Short Rotation Coppice (Intensive) sites

As a result of high oil prices in the mid-1970s, many European and Scandinavian countries initiated research programmes investigating fuel production from energy crops. Initial studies were aimed...

Permitted Waste Sites - Authorised Landfill Site Boundaries

The Permitted Waste Sites - Authorised Landfill Site Boundaries is a polygon dataset that contains the boundaries of landfill sites that are currently authorised by the Environment Agency under...

InterCity West Coast Data Site

Web-based data room providing information to parties prequalified to receive an Invitation to Tender.

Department for Transport Procurement Data Site

Holds information for external advisers.

Government Shared Services Data Site

Web-based data room for the Shared Services procurement competition. Data collectgion ceased.

NHS Trust Sites

NHS Trust Sites Contains: Ets.csv contains just NHS Trust sites. All three files follow the same format and conventions, although fields 14 and 15 are only populated for NHS Trust Site...

Care Trusts and Sites

NHS Care Trusts and Sites Contains: Care Trust and Care Trust Site data. Ecare.csv contains both parent organisations and sites. All three Care Trust files follow the same format and...

Care Trust Sites

NHS Care Trust Sites Contains: Care Trust Site data - Ectsite.csv contains only the sites. All three Care Trust files follow the same format and conventions, although field 14 is only...

Care Home Sites

Care Home Sites Contains: Care Home site data. In the ‘Care Homes’ files, field 15 identifies the owning organisation of each individual Care Home organisation - in other words, their...

Web site registrations

The names, interests and contact details of organisations and individuals who have registered on the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) web sites.

UK Ramsar sites

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains basic site details for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK and its Overseas...

Historic Landfill Sites

This dataset is currently updated every 6 months. Data on landfill sites that are surrendered or revoked will move from the Authorised Landfill Layer but may not be updated into this dataset on...

Local Sites in Positive Conservation Management in England

Local sites (ie sites designated locally for their substantive nature conservation importance, either for wildlife or geology). These sites are being managed so as to preserve their nature...

London Site Business Continuity Contact Data

A data set in two parts - one in MS WORD, the other in MS EXCEL - that contains: names; telephone numbers (business telephone numbers, home telephone numbers, mobile telephone numbers, pager...

UK Search and Rescue (SAR) Data Site

Web-based data room for the UK SAR procurement project. Originally named GAP SAR

Government Shared Services (Swansea) data site

Collection and dissemination of information about current Shared Service Centre (Swansea) operations (including but not limited to staff, business processes, contracts, property and IT) as well as...

CIO-DSAS CIDA Site Responsibilities Database

Recording details of Configuration Management on MOD Sites and Production of ECR's (CIDA Team, serial , of CIO-DSAS Information Asset Register)

Thameslink Rolling Stock Project Data Site

Web-based. Holds information, in lieu of a physical data room, for accredited bidders.

Scheduled Ancient Monumnets

Monuments, structures or below ground archaeological sites that are identified as being of national significance are placed on a list or Schedule. If a monument is Scheduled , it means that...

Pontbren rain gauge data

This dataset is from a network of rain gauges located across the Pontbren study site in mid-Wales, UK. Rain gauges were installed at various locations across the site between 2005-2009 as part of...