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1,676 results found

Social housing rents

Social housing rents Source: Housing Revenue Account (HRA), ODPM, Housing Corporation (HC) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), Government Office Region...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

Rents: Average weekly RSL rents

The Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) is a data collection carried out by the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) and is completed by Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and based on general needs...

Private rents (Average) - All (£)

Private rents (Average) - All (£)

Rent Collection Rate (%) - (Snapshot)

Rent Collection Rate (%) - (Snapshot)

ICT equipment

A list of council ICT equipment, for example laptops and computers.

ICT Equipment

This dataset contains details of all ICT equipment currently owned by the Council, including contract details where applicable.

RSL housing rents

Average rents for housing owned by Registered Social Landlords Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Geographies: Local Authority District...

Rent lost through voids (%) - (Snapshot)

Rent lost through voids (%) - (Snapshot)

Rent Affordability: Average monthly private rent as a percentage of median monthly salary - (2 bedroom properties)

Rent Affordability: Average monthly private rent as a percentage of median monthly salary - (2 bedroom properties)

Equipment installed bases

Provides information on diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy equipment in the NHS in England

Specialist SHEF Equipment

Details of Veterans Services Local Staff requiring Occupational Health Service-assessed specialist SHEF equipment

Local Authority housing rents

Average rents for housing owned by the Local Authority Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD),...

Registered Social Landlord average weekly rents, England

Presents information on the average weekly rents for rented Registered Social Landlord dwellings by local authority district, county and region in England. Source agency: Communities and Local...

Childrens Play Equipment

Childrens and Young Persons Space fixed equipment within Children's Play Grounds (CPG), Wheels Parks, Teen Shelters and Multi-use Games Areas (MUGA) the latter being mainly used by young persons...

Local private rent levels

This data provides the median private rent levels for eight local districts, as presented in our local Housing Market Bulletin every three months. The data relates to 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed and 4 bed...

List of Acceptable Equipment

List of equipment that is acceptable for garages to use by class. It ensures that garages buy approved equipment. VOSA staff use the database and garages use a paper copy.

Water safety equipment locations

Spatial dataset of water safety equipment locations owned and maintained by Durham County Council. Dataset no longer updated.

Local Authority Average Weekly Rents By District, England

Presents information on the average weekly rents for rented local authority dwellings in England. This release has now been replaced by Local Authority Housing Statistics: Local Authority-owned...