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595 results found

Carer Breaks Consultation 2023

Under the Care Act 2014, Local Authorities must promote carers’ wellbeing and prevent their needs from escalating. Breaks have a potentially crucial role in helping local authorities meet their...

Newcombe House public consultation

No description provided

Skills for Londoners Framework Consultation

Alongside the Skills for Londoners Strategy, in 2018 the Mayor published his Skills for Londoners Framework. The Framework outlines how the objectives of the Strategy will be delivered in the...

Skills Roadmap Consultation Results

In January 2022 the Mayor published his Skills Roadmap for London. The Roadmap sets the direction of travel for adult education in London over the Mayoral term and beyond, including future plans...

Engage Barnet - Consultation Hub

Engage Barnet is the consultation hub for the London Borough of Barnet. This site will help you find and participate in consultations that interest you, as well as examine the data resulting from...

Consultation Privacy Notices - Archived

Privacy notices used in __past__ City of York Council consultations. For live consultation privacy notices please see the [consultation privacy notices...

Modern workplaces [consultation]: government response on flexible parental leave. Impact assessment.

Data supporting the impact assessment for proposals on extending flexible parental leave in the closed consultation on modern workplaces (URN 11/699). The new system of flexible parental leave aims...

National statistics review of tax credit statistics: results

Following the recent national statistics review of tax credit statistics a summary of responses have been published on the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website. There were almost 140...

Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend on consultancy in the Home Office: spend control data

Details of exceptions to the government's moratorium on third-party spend on consultancy at the Home Office.

FSA Workforce Managment Information

Monthly information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the FSA, both payroll and non-payroll including consultants. Split between full-time equivalents (FTE) and headcount and mapped to standard...

Stakeholder Consultation Review

This report describes the results of the recent stakeholder review of the ONS cancer outputs and agreed responses to suggestions made therein. Stakeholders viewed the current cancer outputs and...

Manchester Airport bird consultation zone

13 kilometre buffer around Manchester Airport representing the need for consultation for potential bird attractant developments

Council Plan Consultation September 2015

York Council carried out a consultation with residents between September and October 2015 on what priorities should be within the "Council Plan". As part of the councils on-going commitment to...

Clifton Library Consultation - Stage One

This dataset contains the results of a survey regarding the proposed relocation and development of Clifton Library, conducted from July to September 2021 by Explore York Libraries and Archives in...

Wiltshire Council - Mineral Consultation Areas

Minerals and waste planning is the control of mineral extraction and waste management developments, through forward planning, determining planning applications, monitoring and enforcement. WMS...

Council Plan Consultation September 2019

York Council carried out a consultation between August and September 2019 where residents had the opportunity to feedback on eight city outcomes proposed for the 2019-23 Council Plan. They were...

Citroen Site - public consultation documents

Public consultation documents in relation to the Citroen Site representation hearing. More information can be found on the following link:...

Manor Road public consultation documents

No description provided

Thameside West Public Consultation documents

No description provided

Local Transport Plan Consultation 2024

This information is being published so that can be used for research projects / ransparency, and recognised that the data is both detailed, and requires specialist GIS software for...