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71 results found

Sports pitches

Data showing details on the playing and sports pitches in Plymouth.

Football pitches

Data showing the usage of football pitches in Plymouth by organisation, as recorded in 2016.

FODC Sports Pitches

This data set includes the following information about sports pitches and/or playing fields within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area; X and Y coordinates (Irish grid), name, address,...

Sunderland Council Football Pitches

List of all current council owned football pitches.

Football and rugby pitches

Football and rugby pitches in Calderdale including, location and address.

Belfast Sport Pitches Playing Fields

This data set contains information about our sports pitches and playing fields, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude


Dataset showing Sports Pitches And Playing Fields (Policy CS9) as identified in Local Plan Core Strategy submission proposals map adopted June 2013.

Draft Playing Pitch Strategy 2017

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

London Borough of Barnet Playing Pitch Strategy Update - 2021/22

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

Pitch Pine Canker GB Survey 10K Grid 2013

Stands surveyed to determine whether Pitch pine canker (Gibberella circinata) is present in 19 forest stands of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) located across seven forest districts in England and...

Pitch Pine Canker GB Survey 10K Grid 2015

Stands surveyed to determine whether Pitch pine canker (Gibberella circinata) is present in 18 forest stands of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) located across seven forest districts in England and...

ECLIPSE 100 Input decks for reservoir models developed as part of CO2MULTISCALE

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-197 - The dataset comprises a series of ECLIPSE 100 input decks describing reservoir models of potential CO2 storage sites in the Southern North Sea and East Irish Sea...






protection_existing_rec_open_space Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of Protected Existing Recreational Open Spaces (including Pitch and Non-Pitch Sports Facilities) in the Tendring...

Health Inequality: Closing The Life Expectancy Gap Over Time? Key Messages

This slide deck includes a short briefing which summarises key findings from the full analysis ‘Health inequality:’ Closing the life expectancy gap over time?’ for both Camden and Islington.

1993 - 1993 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Survey : CIRO 8/93 (part of North Sea Groundfish Survey, Qtr 3 (FSS: IBTS3E; NSGFS))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the North Sea Groundfish Survey, Qtr 3 (FSS: IBTS3E; NSGFS); 75 core trawl stations are completed annually, to provide distribution and stock...

Recreational Areas

Sites including sports pitches, greens, courts and playgrounds which serve the outdoor recreational leisure needs of the public. Areas are recorded as polygons


Dataset contains areas identified as having facilities for sport such as football pitches, tennis courts, playing fields, etc. It does not denote authority ownership.

Local Development Plan: Open Space Protection Area - Argyll and Bute

Areas of valued open space, sports pitches and playing fields as identified in the Proposal Maps of the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015