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Neighbourhood Planning support organisation information

Data relating to the grant agreement with an external body to administer support to neighbourhood planning areas

Income Support Lone Parent Regime

Quarterly statistics on the number of Work Focused Interviews attended by, and number of sanctions applied to, Income Support Lone Parent...

Commissioning Support Unit Sites

Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) Sites Contains: Ecsusite.csv contains just CSU sites. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current or...

Supporting analysis for the higher education white paper

Underlying data from BIS economics paper no. 14 Supporting analysis for the Higher Education White Paper [URN 11/1007]

Child Support Agency Quarterly Summary of Statistics

Statistics from the Child Support Agency. Source agency: DWP / Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CSA; QSS

DSO Indicator 2.10 and 2.11 (Supporting People)

DSO Indicator 2.10 and 2.11 (Supporting People) Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Respond - Child Support Agency Complaints Database

Database containing details of clients who have made formal complaints against the Child Support Agency. Information recorded includes: Database containing details of clients who have made formal...

Routes onto Employment and Support Allowance dataset

Anonymised dataset from a two-wave survey of people who claimed Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) between April and June 2009. The first wave was a face-to-face survey of 3,650 people...

Pre-Work Programme Employment Support Measures

From May 2012 this publication will be replaced by 2 new publications under the titles ‘Get Britain Working Measures’ and ‘Mandatory Programmes’. This publication ended in November 2016....

Formation of 2-alkyl cyclobutanones

Literature review and practical investigation into the potential formation of 2-alkyl cyclobutanones in non-irradiated food

Multi-factor Productivity (experimental)

Using a growth accounting framework, growth in output can be decomposed into the relative contributions of capital and labour inputs (in terms of both quantity and composition) as well as a...

NHS Workforce - Support to Doctors and Nurses

NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) monthly workforce statistics: Support to doctors and nursing staff in England by area and level. This provides details of the numbers of Full...

Student Support for Higher Education in Wales

Presents statistics on student support paid to students in the form of loans and grants or to their University/College in the form of tution fees. The students are Welsh domiciles studying anywhere...

Student Support for Higher Education in England

Presents statistics on student support paid to students in the form of loans and grants or to their University/College in the form of tution fees. The students are English domiciles studying...

Updated list of mutuals supported by MSP and service areas

Number of Mutuals supported by the Mutuals Support Programme according to the number of public service areas in which they are supported. For more information on the programme please visit...

Baselines for DSO Indicators 2.10 and 2.11 (Supporting People)

Data submitted by Administering Authorities for the four quarters has been validated and used to derive nationals baseline figures for DSO indicators 2.10 and 2.11 (Supporting People). Source...

Joint Support Unit Northwood Mechanical Transport Tasks

The total number of Mechanical Transport tasks requested and carried out by Joint Support Unit (JSU) Northwood

Total Number of Visitors to Joint Support Unit Northwood

The total number of visitors to Joint Support Unit (JSU) Northwood and whether they were MOD visitors or contractors and whether they required car passes.

UK Ramsar Information Sheets – all details in structured spreadsheet format

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This spreadsheet contains all of the information within Ramsar Information Sheets for all designated...

Community support organisations

A list of some of the community support organisations in Leeds.  We appreciate this is a fraction of what is actually going on so if you're not on here, please get in touch and we'll add...