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Bus Lane and Bus Gate Enforcement

This page contains datasets about Cambridgeshire County Council's enforcement of bus lanes and bus gates in Cambridge City.  The datasets contain figures showing the number of Penalty Charge...

Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane issued monthly

This data highlights total number of Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane each month.Please note - there is no income value given to each individual Bus Gate/Bus Lane because all...

Bus Lane/Bus Gate Penalty Charge Notices issued monthly

This data highlights the total number of Penalty Charge Notices issued per month with income value.

Bus Lane Enforcement - Enforcement Points

Leicester City Council operates a bus lane enforcement scheme to improve public transport reliability, journey times and to encourage sustainable travel.Enforcement points are located at the...

Bin Collection Points - Crewe South

Bin collection points in Crewe South. These are predominantly in areas of terraced housing where properties have no frontages to leave their bins without obstructing the highway. Data set...

Structure Line

Feature which has a line geometry and represents a linear, freestanding, manmade construction that is not a building and is not wide enough to capture as a structure. Examples include a gate or...

Bus Stop Clearway London Road from September 2017

This data highlights Penalty Charge Notices issued per bus stop.Please note - there is no income value given to each individual bus gate/lane because all Penalty Charge Notices are paid against a...

ENPA Land and Property Assets

The extent and location of property owned by Exmoor National Park Authority. The Authority owns or leases approximately 120 properties, comprising open moorland, woodland, historic buildings,...

Household recycling by material and region, England

This series provides information on household waste recycling by material and regions in England from 1996/97 to 2009/10. Maintained to cover a unique temporal range. A range of data sources are...


We tackle persistent crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), mainly on rear alleyways, by installing lockable gates to restrict access. This page includes data on the alleygates in York For further...

Milk prices and composition of milk - monthly statistics

Most milk produced in the UK is bought by dairies (registered ‘milk purchasers’) for processing. Defra runs a monthly survey in England and Wales to collect information on the volume, value and...

Mental Health Community Teams Activity

Quarterly data on new cases taken on in the year by Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services, number of patients on Care Programme Approach (CPA) followed up within 7 days of discharge from...

Mental Health Community Teams Activity

Quarterly data on new cases taken on in the year by Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services, number of patients on Care Programme Approach (CPA) followed up within 7 days of discharge from...

AIMS Structure

An asset used to control the flow of water Asset Sub-Types include: Control Gate, Draw Off Tower, Fish Pass, Hydrobrake, In Channel Stoplogs, Inspection Chamber, Jetty, Outfall, Screen, Spillway,...

National Forest Estate Recreation Points GB

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Milk prices and composition of milk - annual statistics

Most milk produced in the UK is bought by dairies (registered ‘milk purchasers’) for processing. Defra runs a monthly survey in England and Wales to collect information on the volume, value and...

River Obstacles

The River Obstacles dataset is an inventory of weirs, waterfalls, sluices, dams, culverts, fords and flap gates, compiled initially from digital Ordnance Survey maps and the Environment Agency's...

Surface and Meteorological Data of Saltation and Ripple Dynamics at Huab Dune Field, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia 2014, 2016 and 2018

This dataset includes raw point cloud data from repeat terrestrial laser scans (TLS) of rippled surfaces on barchan and dome dunes within the Huab Dune Field, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia....

Street Furniture - Scotland

In November 2004, Audit Scotland published a document entitled ‘Maintaining Scotland’s Roads’, effectively introducing a requirement on local authorities in Scotland to produce a Roads Asset...

Article 4 Directions - Aberdeenshire

An Article 4 Direction is a statement made under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011. The Direction, made by a local authority and approved...