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127 results found

Nitrogen geochemistry of igneous units from Loch Doon, Scotland (NERC Grant NE/P012167/1)

This dataset contains the nitrogen, oxygen, and lithophile element geochemistry of whole rock, and distribution coefficients, and stable isotope fractionation factors for biotite, orthoclase, and...

G-BASE (Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment) for south west England - stream sediments and shallow (5-20cm) soils

The G-BASE programme involves systematic sampling and the determination of chemical elements in samples of stream sediment, stream water and soil, to build up a picture of the surface chemistry of...

TEX86 sea surface temperature compilation for the Eocene epoch, 56 to 34 million years ago (NERC grant NE/I005714/1)

TEX86 sea surface temperature compilation for the Eocene epoch (56 to 34 million years ago). Also included are other GDGT-based indices which are used to flag potentially problematic SST estimates....

Pliocene Palaeoclimate off Southeastern Africa: Insights from IODP Expedition 361 (NERC grant NE/N020286/1)

The data comprises a multi-proxy dataset of 49 samples spanning approximately the time interval from 1.8-3.9 Ma according to the currently available shipboard age model from offshore the Limpopo...

Balance sheet analysis and farming performance

This release presents the main results from an analysis of the profitability and resilience of farms in England using data from the Farm Business Survey. Six measures have been examined;...

Map based index (GeoIndex) stream sediment

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the locations where stream sediment samples are collected under the G-BASE (Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment) programme at an...

Environment and Countryside Management: Results from the Farm Business Survey

These results cover which environmental activities are being carried out and the reasons for doing so. They also cover the area of various habitats found on farms. Source agency: Environment,...

Farm Household Income and Household Composition, England

Information on farm household income and farm household composition. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

UK shelf and North Sea quantitative sediment composition predictions

Spatial predictions of substrate composition for the UK shelf and North Sea. Compositional fractions of mud, sand and gravel were modelled for an area of the UK and North Sea using a statistical...

Nutrient concentration and stable isotope data from water samples across river-lake networks in the English Lake District and Norfolk Broads, 2017-2018

This dataset contains information about the background hydrochemistry and nutrient biogeochemistry of water samples collected from networks of interconnected rivers and lakes. Each water sample was...

Predictor variables and groundtruth samples for north-west European continental shelf quantitative sediment analysis

Input data used to model sediment grain size for the north-west European continental shelf. Data includes: Sediment groundtruth observations with measured fractions of mud, sand and gravel, also...

Bacterial diversity (16S rRNA gene) in participant collected household vacuum dust from homes across two bioclimatic regions (UK and Greece), with associated participant questionnaire and trace element data. (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

The <250um fraction of 28 household vacuum dust samples were extracted using high throughput isolation of microbial genomic DNA (21 samples from a national campaign within the UK and 7 samples...

Sediment data from IODP Expedition 363 (NERC grant NE/P016456/1)

Sediment % coarse fraction (>63 microns), and abundance of fish teeth in coarse fraction. 2016 has been a record breaking year in terms of global temperatures. The high temperatures have...

PlumeMOM model inputs and simulation results for 22/12/2018 Anak Krakatau volcanic eruption (NERC Grants NE/T002026/1, NE/T002018/1)

The folders contain the inputs required to run numerical simulations of the Anak Krakatau eruption in 2018, including ERA wind field data, and model input files (.bak). Two sets of simulations were...

ACSOE MAGE EAE-96 and EAE-97: Airborne, Shipborne and Ground-based Measurements of Aerosols and Gases in the Marine Boundary Layer

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange (MAGE) Eastern Atlantic Experiment (EAE) aimed to quantify input of Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) into...

ACSOE MAGE EAE-96 and EAE-97: Airborne, Shipborne and Ground-based Measurements of Aerosols and Gases in the Marine Boundary Layer

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange (MAGE) Eastern Atlantic Experiment (EAE) aimed to quantify input of Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) into...

Vegetation cover, vegetation carbon content and soil carbon content under five ecosystem restoration pathways for the 21st century modelled using JULES

The data are fractional coverage of plant functional/surface types, carbon content in vegetation, carbon content in soil. The data are the result of simulations conducted in the JULES land surface...

Intra-crystalline protein degradation dating of proboscidean enamel from the UK (NERC Grant NE/K500987/1)

The concentration of both L and D amino acid isomers was determined by HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) for multiple amino acids. 30 samples of proboscidean enamel were taken from the...

Microplastics in sediment cores data from the UK continental shelf and slope 2017

This dataset contains two CSV files. One CSV file reports locations and technical details for the cores, along with their slices, subsamples and the number of microplastic particles and fibres...

Species point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....