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Innovation Fund

The Innovation Fund is a Government sponsored scheme designed to finance effective and innovative interventions to promote collaborative parenting among separated and separating families. The data...

UK innovation survey 2009: science and innovation analysis

Underlying data from figures and tables in chapter 2 of the UK innovation survey 2009: science and innovation analysis [URN 10/P107A]

Innovation Map

All cumulative monthly Innovate UK public data geomapped - includes some high level graphs.

UK Innovation Survey statistics

The UK Innovation Survey (UKIS) is the main data source for business innovation in the UK. The survey is conducted every 2 years, and is used widely across government to help improve policy, and by...

Innovate Monitoring Documents

All funded Innovate projects will be required to complete an initial progress monitoring and savings table with the support of a county council officer. This provides baseline information against...

Innovation Stage 2 Application Templates

The Innovate (19k-50k) grant application is a 2-stage process. Applicants that are successful at stage 1 are invited to complete stage 2 documentation, including a detailed project plan, and a...

UK Innovation Survey micro data

The data contain information on type and intensity of innovation performed by UK businesses

Citizenship Survey: Headline Findings

Headline findings from the Citizenship Survey Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Citizenship Survey: Headline...

Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot, Starts and Outcomes

This note provides an update on the number of starts and outcomes on the Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot. This will cover both round 1 and round...

Innovate & Cultivate Fund adult social care costings

The service costings guidance below may be used to support your Innovate & Cultivate Fund application.  Please note that the costings are updated for each funding round.  

Community action against crime: innovation fund successful applicants

The list of projects that successfully applied for a grant from the community action against crime innovation fund.

Innovate and Cultivate Fund Case Studies

These case studies show how the Innovate & Cultivate Fund is helping organisations to support Cambridgeshire residents.

Stop and search research findings 2013

Research findings for the 2013 stop and search review produced by YouGov on behalf of HMIC.

Find an Energy Certificate Performance Data

The page provides performance data on the Find an Energy Certificate service including the total number of energy assessment certificates loaded to the service and the average energy rating of...

St Anthony's Finds Record

The project aimed to provide a record of the finds recovered from the designated wreck site the St. Anthony. Described as a "fine ship" belonging to King John III of Portugal, the St. Anthony was...

St Anthony's Finds Record

The project aimed to provide a record of the finds recovered from the designated wreck site the St. Anthony. Described as a "fine ship" belonging to King John III of Portugal, the St. Anthony was...

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills annual report and accounts

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) annual report and accounts. Brings together information on expenditure and performance of BIS. Includes data from the 2010-11 and 2011-12...

Spend over £25,000 in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) publishes details of all spending over £500 using a GPC (departmental debit card) on a monthly basis. A monthly-updated list of all...

Early assessment of the UK Innovation Investment Fund

Underlying data for a report that explores the likely economic effectiveness of the UK Innovation Investment Fund (UKIIF). Set up to invest in technology based businesses with high growth...

Spend over £25,000 in NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.