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520 results found

Friends and Family Test

The responses of maternity patients, and patients who have been treated in an acute setting as inpatients or in A&E, to the question "how likely are you to recommend our ward/A&E...

NHS Friends and Family Test for Staff

From April 2014, NHS England is introducing the Staff Friends and Family Test (FFT) in all NHS trusts providing acute, community, ambulance and mental health services in England. Data will show...

Green Deal(GD)/ECO and home insulation levels in Great Britain statistics

Updates to this release can now be found in the dataset Household Energy Efficiency statistics. This release presents statistics on the number of Green Deal assessments lodged, the number of...

The number of businesses signed up to the Eco Stars fleet recognition scheme - (Snapshot)

The number of businesses signed up to the Eco Stars fleet recognition scheme - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued

Travel Bookings

Travel bookings from corporate travel provider, 2010-2013, includes financial data and individual travel events.

Travel bookings

Data held for travel bookings made through Redfern Travel

Travel Diary

Provides information on travel by adults, including journey purpose, mode, distance, duration, experience of congestion and times and days of week on which adults travel. Source agency: Scottish...

Concessionary Travel Statistics

This statistical release presents information on Concessionary Travel in England for the last year and forecasts for the current year. The data are derived from the Department’s survey of Travel...

National Travel Survey

Report presenting the results of the National Travel Survey, a household survey designed to provide a databank of personal travel information for Great Britain. Source agency:...

Travel Requests

Details of Veterans Services Local Staff Travel Requests

Travel bookings

Data held for travel bookings made through Carlson Wagonlit

Eco Corridor - Aspirational Links

Corridors which improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce

National Travel Survey

Scottish results from the National Travel Survey. Includes long-term trends in the average number/distance of journeys made per person per year and variations in travel patterns with age, sex,...

Travel bookings

The travel bookings lists the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) staff requirements for public transport and accommodation.

Properties receiving ECO, ECO measures installed, Affordable Warmth referrals from ESAS etc.

This data is now located in the Household Energy Efficiency Statistics. They are published monthly on a provisional basis. These statistical datasets are available on and Find Open data....

Councillor travel and accommodation expenses

Dataset showing all councillor travel expenses booked via the council's current travel contract (Click Travel). The information shows date of travel, councillor, type of travel and cost. Please...

Redfern Travel Contract

Contains staff details to book all business travel.

Traveller Caravan Count

The bi-annual statistical Count of Traveller Caravans count of the number of caravans on both authorised and unauthorised sites across England. The count takes place every January and June. ...

School Mode of Travel

The Influencing Travel Behaviour Team (ITB) provide road safety education, training and publicity to schools, communities, businesses and Leeds residents. We promote sustainable travel throughout...

National Travel Survey (NTS)

National Travel Survey (NTS). A continuous household survey of personal travel in GB. Data collected from approx 20,000 individuals per year.