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1,166 results found

Heriot-Watt University Mid North Sea High Project - Controls on the Structure, Stratigraphy and Prospectivity of the Mid North Sea High (Final)

This delivery provides final products from the two year post-doctoral research project that was undertaken at Heriot-Watt University. This project focused on the Mid North Sea High area of the UKCS...

Vegetation data from experimental trials to investigate the control of Brachypodium pinnatum at Martin Down National Nature Reserve, UK, 2019-2022

[This dataset is embargoed until September 1, 2024]. Vegetation data from field surveys undertaken at two experimental trials at Martin Down NNR, to investigate the potential for reducing dense...

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir in the Southern North Sea - Poster presented at the twelfth 'Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies' conference.

The data consists of a poster presented at the twelfth 'Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies' conference (GHGT-12), held in Austin, Texas, on the 6-9th October 2014. The psoter describes work...

DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage. Work Package 5 - Insights and Recommendations.. BGS Report OR/17/022.

EPSRC project EP/K035878/1 - DiSECCS research has focussed on developing advanced seismic monitoring tools and combining these with social science research to identify key factors in establishing...

QICS paper: Effect of a controlled sub-seabed release of CO2 on biogeochemistry of shallow marine sediments, their pore waters, and overlying water column

Carbon capture and storage is a mitigation strategy that can be used to aid the reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This process aims to capture CO2 from large point-source emitters and...

Water Vole Risk Zones - East Anglia

This dataset identifies areas where the predicted distribution of water voles and has been categorised into zones relating to water vole occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to...

Great Crested Newt- Risk Zones (Northumberland, Durham, Tyne & Wear and Tees Valley)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Hertfordshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (North Somerset and South Gloucestershire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Dorset)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Cambridgeshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Shoreline Management Plan Mapping

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA196. This dataset identifies which second generation Shoreline Management Plan is applicable to a particular stretch of coastline. It also...

Transfer Entries Supporting Information

Details of financial control


Article 4 Directions (Article 4s) captured as regions against Ordnance Survey MasterMap. Article 4 Directions are issued by the Council where specific control over a development is needed....

Ashfield Brownfield Land Register

Ashfield Brownfield Land register, a files showing the available brown field sites within the urban district of Ashfield that conform to the Brownfield Register Regulations 2017. Theses sites, and...

Conservation Area - Craven District Council

Designated Conservation Areas within Craven District Council. In some cases the Conservation Areas extend into the National Park for settlements on the border. The designation of a...

Dee Water Protection Zone

This dataset shows the location of the Dee Water Protection Zone (DWPZ). A Water Protection Zone is an area where certain activities (storing or using controlled substances) are banned or...

Southwark cycle parking

The data holds point locations of cycle parking provision within the London Borough of Southwark including stands, lockers and hangars. For each parking provision there is information on the...

Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction serves to restrict permitted development rights, either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of development anywhere in the Council's area. Where an...

Planning Application Lawful Development Certificate

Guidance, criteria and forms for Lawful Development Certificates can be found below. If you want to be certain that the existing use of a building is lawful for planning purposes or that your...