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729 results found

2011 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Scotland Didemnum vexillum records

The carpet sea squirt (Didemnum vexillum) is an invasive non-native species of colonial sea squirt that has recently been found in England, Ireland, Wales and at one location in the Clyde, on the...

BGS Debris Flow Susceptibility Model GB (version 6.1)

The BGS Debris Flow Susceptibility Model for Great Britain v6.1 is a 1:50 000 scale raster dataset of Great Britain providing 50 m ground resolution information on the potential of the ground, at a...

Mining hazard (not including coal) Great Britain version 7

Underground extraction of minerals and rocks has taken place in Great Britain for more than 5000 years. The dataset draws together a range of diverse information; the geology, the primary...

Planning Applications (DEPRECATED) - Scotland

'Development management' is the name given to the process of deciding planning applications and various other associated activities including enforcement of planning controls. For the purposes of...

Fishing Statistics - Gridded fisheries data within Scottish waters for Scottish fishing vessels under 12m overall length - annual averages 2018 to 2022

Owners or masters of Scottish fishing vessels under 12m overall length must declare a latitude and longitude position (DD MM) on each fishing day indicating where the majority of the catch was...

Growing season methane and nitrous oxide static chamber fluxes from Sodankylä region, Northern Finland

This dataset contains calculated terrestrial fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide using static chambers from the Sodankylä region of Northern Finland across both forest and wetland ecosystems....

1992 Institute of Offshore Engineering, Blue Lagoon, Poole Harbour Dorset, Intertidal survey with special reference to Nematostella vectensis

Survey run by the Institute of Offshore Engineering for English Nature (Peterborough). All these records relate to "Sheader, Sheader (1992) - A survey of Blue Lagoon, Poole Harbour, with special...

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record): Chemical traces, sea conditions and meteorological model measurements

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record) was part of Theme 2 QUEST (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System) programme. This dataset collection contains chemical...

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record): Chemical traces, sea conditions and meteorological model measurements

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record) was part of Theme 2 QUEST (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System) programme. This dataset collection contains chemical...

Suspected adverse event data submitted to the VMD

The dataset includes all adverse event reports submitted to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate during a one year period. Each adverse event report is identified by the primary key – “ADR No.”....

1:50,000 Land Capability for Agriculture

The Land Capability Classification for Agriculture has as its objective the presentation of detailed information on soil, climate and relief in a form which will be of value to land use planners,...

Woodlands In & Around Towns (WIAT)

Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) The Woods In and Around Towns (WIAT) Programme provides the focus for Scottish Forestry’s work on improving quality of life in towns and cities. The purpose...

FGS Target Area - CSGN Additional Contribution Area

This dataset defines the Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN) Core and Fringe zone contribution areas. This forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020 Forestry...

Land Capability for Agriculture, Scotland

The Land Capability Classification for Agriculture has as its objective the presentation of detailed information on soil, climate and relief in a form which will be of value to land use planners,...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) surface sediment colloidal carbohydrate concentration in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats

The dataset details surface sediment colloidal carbohydrate concentrations across six intertidal sites in the winter and summer of 2013. Colloidal carbohydrate concentrations in surface sediments...

Sumatra Regional Geochemistry

Regional Geochemical data from drainage basin reconnaissance survey carried out as part of a bilateral aid project between the UK Department for International development (DFID) (formerly ODA) and...

Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For The UK.

The G-BASE programme involves systematic sampling and the determination of chemical elements in samples of stream sediment, stream water and soil, to build up a picture of the surface chemistry of...

Mining hazard (not including coal) 1km hex grid version 7

The 1km Hex Mining Hazard (Not Including Coal) v7 dataset shows areas of known underground mining (Not Including Coal), identified with an indication of the level of hazard associated for each...

G-BASE (Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment) for south west England - stream sediments and shallow (5-20cm) soils

The G-BASE programme involves systematic sampling and the determination of chemical elements in samples of stream sediment, stream water and soil, to build up a picture of the surface chemistry of...

Graduate Outcomes SOC 2020 update: UK, 2017/18

This bulletin has been produced by HESA and has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. The data presented in this bulletin is based on the 2017/18...