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1,273 results found

Internal Audit Documentation and Information

FCO(S) - Internal Audit Reports, Actions etc

Risk Management Documentation and Information

FCO(S) - Corporate and Directorate Risk Registers and Actions

Contaminated Land Part IIA public register

A dataset of polygons with an attribute table that summarises the location and status of land recorded within the public register kept under the Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act...

DPIA (Data Privacy Impact Assessments)

A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is a process to identify privacy risks to individuals in the collection, use, storing, and disclosure of information. This allows Camden to identify...

Species point records from 1983 OPRU Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula littoral survey

The survey was carried out to describe the range of habitats, communities and species present on littoral rock on Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula and to classify the sites according to the...

Habitat point records from 1983 OPRU Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula littoral survey

The survey was carried out to describe the range of habitats, communities and species present on littoral rock on Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula and to classify the sites according to the...

Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy Model Data

This package contains the data behind [Delivering London's Energy...

Waste Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs)

London Local authorities have developed their waste Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs) setting out key actions for minimising waste and boosting recycling locally. The RRPs are used to drive and...

Newcastle City Council fraud data

The council seeks firstly to prevent fraud and corruption but will take all action necessary to identify fraud if suspected and to pursue the recovery of losses and the suitable punishment of those...

Complaints - received 2017-18

Data with regard to all complaints received by the council in the 2017/18 financial year for both London Borough of Barnet and the Barnet Group. A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction of...

Species point records from 1986 Hiscock mid-Wales' sarns sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out to describe the sublittoral fringe communities on and around the Mid-Wales Sarns (Sarn Badrig, Sarn-y-Bwch and Cynfelin Patches), and to assess their scientific interest...

Species point records from 1989 MNCR Loch Sunart survey

This survey was undertaken to describe the range of habitats and associated communities of species in sublittoral areas of Loch Sunart and Loch Teacuis. Loch Sunart lies between the Ardnamurchan...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Skye sealochs survey

Skye is a large island lying off the north-west coast of Scotland, between the mainland and the Outer Hebrides. Its coastline is much indented with eleven large sealochs and several large bays....

Species point records from 1983 OPRU Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula sublittoral survey

The survey was undertaken to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and communities present in nearshore sublittoral areas of Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula and to assess their scientific...

Habitat point records from 1986 Hiscock mid-Wales' sarns sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out to describe the sublittoral fringe communities on and around the Mid-Wales Sarns (Sarn Badrig, Sarn-y-Bwch and Cynfelin Patches), and to assess their scientific interest...

Habitat point records from 1989 MNCR Loch Sunart survey

This survey was undertaken to describe the range of habitats and associated communities of species in sublittoral areas of Loch Sunart and Loch Teacuis. Loch Sunart lies between the Ardnamurchan...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Skye sealochs survey

Skye is a large island lying off the north-west coast of Scotland, between the mainland and the Outer Hebrides. Its coastline is much indented with eleven large sealochs and several large bays....

Habitat point records from 1983 OPRU Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula sublittoral survey

The survey was undertaken to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and communities present in nearshore sublittoral areas of Bardsey and the Lleyn Peninsula and to assess their scientific...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C9a, Animal genetic resources - effective population size of Native Breeds at Risk

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C9a, Animal genetic resources – effective population size of Native Breeds at Risk. Genetic diversity is an important...

Command & Control

Records of incidents on the network, vehicles and drivers involved, and actions taken to resolve the incidents