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729 results found

ACSOE ACE HILLCLOUD-96 and HILLCLOUD-97: Hill Cap Cloud Aerosol Data from Five Sites in Tenerife

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

ACSOE ACE HILLCLOUD-96 and HILLCLOUD-97: Hill Cap Cloud Aerosol Data from Five Sites in Tenerife

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

Risk of Phytophthora infection in woodland and larch fragments across Scotland

These spatial layers contain risk factors and overall risk scores, representing relative risk of Phytophthora infection (Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae), for Core Native Woodland and known...

Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project

Scotland coastlines and waters are a special place for marine habitats and wildlife. The Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project encourages everyone to get involved in the survey and...

2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch nam Madadh and Loch an Duin Site Condition Monitoring and Site Check survey

An purpose of this study was to carry out site condition monitoring (SCM) of the sandbanks feature of the Loch nam Madadh SAC and Site Checks of the remaining marine sedimentary and reef protected...

On the Importance of Shipwrecks

The On the Importance of Shipwrecks project developed a framework and methodology for evaluating the importance of the physical remains of wrecks on the seabed. The project included a literature...

EU Project: Publications: CO2QUEST – Impact of the Quality of CO2 on Storage and Transport

Coordinated by Haroun Mahgerefteh at UCL, the EC funded FP7 CO2QUEST project addressed the main challenges associated with determining the optimal composition and purity of CO2 product streams...

P-wave velocity and attenuation 1/Q data of water-saturated sand pack (from dry to full saturation) at 10 kilohertz frequency under 10 MPa effective pressure, 2022 - 2023.

The data consist of P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) of a water-saturated sand pack from dry to full saturation. We used an acoustic pulse tube, allowing us to measure the sample at a sonic...

Flooding grants

This flooding grants dataset shows grants awarded to businesses affected by the Christmas 2015 floods in Leeds. Businesses can apply for two grants as detailed below. Each line represents a single...

Felling Permissions and Licences (2012 onwards)

Description: ======================================= This dataset applies to Felling Permission Applications (formerly Felling Licence Applications) received by Scottish Forestry (formerly...

Fire and rescue service: All incidents attended

This dataset covers incidents attended by fire and rescue services (FRS) in England and Wales, excluding the Isles of Scilly, covering a total of 49 FRS. The data include incidents that not only...

Very high resolution derived biomass estimates in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar

The products represent biomass estimates for four areas of interest in the Corridor Ankeniheny Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar, generated using very high resolution imagery and based on field-collected...

Monthly sampling of riverine chemistry and organic matter for 41 rivers in Great Britain in 2017 as part of the LOCATE project

This dataset contains particulate and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, nutrients (ammonia, nitrates, phosphate), alkalinity, pH, particulate organic nitrogen, delta-C-13 and delta-15-N...

Fitness costs and benefits of intergroup interactions in banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2000-2019

This is a dataset on mortality costs and reproductive success from intergroup conflict in banded mongooses, collected from a wild population of banded mongooses on the Mweya Peninsula, Queen...

Climate suitability for Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae infection in the UK

These spatial layers map the suitability of climate conditions for infection of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae across the UK. The model is based on laboratory data of environmental...

Uranium in stream sediment

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN **This dataset was created for the "Britain beneath our feet" atlas using information extracted from the Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For...

Acidity of stream water

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN **This dataset was created for the "Britain beneath our feet" atlas using information extracted from the Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Modelling the non-equilibrium two-phase flow during depressurisation of CO2 pipelines

This UKCCSRC (UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre) Call 1 project involved the development, testing and validation of a two-fluid transient flow model for simulating outflow following the...

Habitat suitability maps for Rhododendron ponticum across Scotland as reservoir host for Phytophthora

These spatial layers quantify the predicted habitat suitability for Rhododendron ponticum across Scotland. These layers were developed with reference to this species role as reservoir host for...

Distribution maps of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea across Scotland as hosts for Phytophthora

These spatial layers contain the predicted occurrence and abundance of three heathland shrubs, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea identified as susceptible host...