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526 results found

2006, DHI Water and Environment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Marine Mammals in the NW3 Area, Irish Sea

This project examines the environmental impact on marine mammals as a result of the construction of the West of Duddon Sands offshore wind farm. The report contains both a baseline on the...

Permeability Dataset for Great Britain (Merged)

The data comprises four GIS layers representing the permeability of geological deposits for Great Britain (bedrock, superficial, artificial and mass movement deposits). The permeability data has...

1985 Institute of Offshore Engineering (Heriot-Watt University), Poole Harbour, Biological and chemical intertidal transect survey

These records all relate to ''Institute of Offshore Engineering (1986) Biological and chemical intertidal survey of Poole Harbour, June 1985 (IOE/85/351)". A copy of the report is held at English...

1985 Institute of Offshore Engineering (Heriot-Watt University), Poole Harbour, Biological and chemical intertidal transect survey

These records all relate to ''Institute of Offshore Engineering (1986) Biological and chemical intertidal survey of Poole Harbour, June 1985 (IOE/85/351)". A copy of the report is held at English...

1985 Institute of Offshore Engineering (Heriot-Watt University), Poole Harbour, Biological and chemical intertidal transect survey

These records all relate to ''Institute of Offshore Engineering (1986) Biological and chemical intertidal survey of Poole Harbour, June 1985 (IOE/85/351)". A copy of the report is held at English...

National Flood Risk Maps 2019

The National Flood Hazard and Risk Maps are based on generalised modelling only. The maps have been published to comply with the Flood Risk Regulations (2009) and the EU Directive...

Assessing Welsh Aquaculture Activities

The two AWAA Interactions Spreadsheets in Excel present the potential sensitivity of biotopes (components of habitats) and species (designated within MPAs, SSSIs or included within the...

Regions and their constituent Counties and Unitary Authorities (April 2020) Map in the UK

A PDF map that shows the regions and their constituent counties and unitary authorities in the United Kingdom as at 1 April 2020.  (File Size - 557 KB)

Experimental data from brine-CO2 flow-through test on a 45% porosity synthetic sandstone under shallow storage reservoirs conditions

The spreadsheet gathers the data collected during a brine:CO2 flow-through experiment conducted on a weakly-cemented synthetic sandstone core sample using the multiflow experimental rig for CO2...

Seismic locations and sections database

The Seismic Locations and Sections database (LOCSEC) stores digitised seismic reflection survey location and line-interpretation data. Supplementary data stored includes map projection information...

UK National Databank of Moored Current Meter Data (1967-)

The data set comprises more than 7000 time series of ocean currents from moored instruments. The records contain horizontal current speed and direction and often concurrent temperature data. They...

Land values

This dataset contains three years of land value estimates for policy appraisal, with residential land value estimates by local authority. It provides an estimate of a ‘typical’ residential site in...

Precipitation and Temperature monthly values (1963) for Dayr az-Zawr, Syria

This temperature and precipitation data in csv format complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira...

Precipitation and Temperature monthly values (1963) for al-Hasakah, Syria

This temperature and precipitation dataset in csv format complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the...

Precipitation and Temperature monthly values (1963) for al Qamishli, Syria

This temperature and precipitation dataset in csv format complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: Global inventory of natural and artificial CO2 release sites

Controlled CO2 release experiments and studies of natural CO2 seeps have been undertaken at sites across the globe for CCS applications. The scientific motivation, experimental design, baseline...

Ward Profiles and Atlas

The ward profiles and ward atlas provide a range of demographic and related data for each ward in Greater London. They are designed to provide an overview of the population in these small areas by...

NSTA and Lloyd's Register UKCS Merged Regional Geological Maps (ArcGIS version)

All data released with this set of geological maps is public domain data. The project has, however, benefited from a number of additional third-party data sources which have been used to help...

NSTA and Lloyd's Register West of Shetland and Rockall Regional Geological Maps (ArcGIS version)

As part of the NSTA’s published 2018/19 Activity Plan, the NSTA is publishing a set of regional geological maps for the West of Shetland and West of Hebrides. These maps represent the seventh set...

Mineral Resource Polygons Northern Ireland (Internal Geological Boundaries Retained)

This mineral resource data was produced as part of the Mineral Resource Map of Northern Ireland via a commission from the Northern Ireland Department of the Environment. The work resulted in a...