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1,772 results found

Crick Framework: a systematic description of the potential for the use of Earth Observation in habitat mapping

The Crick Framework provides a way to categorise how well Earth Observation (EO) techniques can be used to identify particular habitats and features on the ground and detailed information on what...

1m LIDAR Composite DSM & DTM for Scotland

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA458. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the aircraft...

50cm LIDAR Composite DSM & DTM for Scotland

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA458. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the aircraft...

2m LIDAR Composite DSM & DTM for Scotland

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA458. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the aircraft...

Primary Shopping Area

Defined area where retail development is concentrated (generally comprising the Primary and those Secondary Frontages which are adjoining and closely related to the primary shopping frontage).


Small grouping usually comprising a newsagent, a general grocery store, a sub-post office and occasionally a pharmacy, a hairdresser and other small shops of a local nature.

Subjective wellbeing, 'Anxious Yesterday', average rating

Average (mean) rating for 'Anxious Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective well-being...

UK National Site Network (SAC and SPA): site summary details spreadsheet

This spreadsheet contains the latest UK-wide data gathered as part of the Standard Data Form (SDF) information completed for all sites in the UK National Site Network. It contains details of all...

Species point records from 1993 WWA River Usk industrial discharge pipe littoral survey

The only major industrial outfall in the Usk Estuary is from the British Steel Company Orb Works which discharges effulent including a variety of metals, oils and neutralised pickling liquor....

Species point records from 1975-78 University of Bristol Severn Estuary littoral rock survey

Zonation of algae and invertebrates was examined on rocky shores in the Severn estuary from 1975 to 1978. These shores were characterised by an absence of macro-algae from MLWS and below. Some...

Habitat point records from 1993 WWA River Usk industrial discharge pipe littoral survey

The only major industrial outfall in the Usk Estuary is from the British Steel Company Orb Works which discharges effulent including a variety of metals, oils and neutralised pickling liquor....

Habitat point records from 1975-78 University of Bristol Severn Estuary littoral rock survey

Zonation of algae and invertebrates was examined on rocky shores in the Severn estuary from 1975 to 1978. These shores were characterised by an absence of macro-algae from MLWS and below. Some...

Species point records from 1985 NCC Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween, in the Sound of Jura, south-west Scotland, has been selected as a proposed Marine Nature Reserve by the NCC. A considerable body of information exists on the sublittoral habitats of the...

Species point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...

Habitat point records from 1985 NCC Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween, in the Sound of Jura, south-west Scotland, has been selected as a proposed Marine Nature Reserve by the NCC. A considerable body of information exists on the sublittoral habitats of the...

Habitat point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...

Freshwater and Marine Biological Surveys for Diatoms England

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the 'Freshwater river diatom surveys (Biosys)' dataset and is now Retired. As of March 2020 all data formerly available in 'Freshwater and Marine...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C5, Birds of the wider countryside and at sea

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C5, Birds of the wider countryside and at sea. Bird populations have long been considered to provide a good indication of the...

GP practice prescribing data - Presentation level

Warning: Large file size (over 1GB). Each monthly data set is large (over 10 million rows), but can be viewed in standard software such as Microsoft WordPad (save by right-clicking on the file...

Severn Estuary High Tide Waterbird Roost Sites (Gloucestershire)

Identification of wintering waterbird high tide roosts on the Severn Estuary SSSI/SPA completed in four phases:Phase 1 includes the Brean Down to Clevedon stretch. Phases 2 & 3 were completed...