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Species point records from 1974 University of Dundee Loch Inchard littoral survey

9 sites in Loch Inchard form the basis of brief descriptions of the littoral fauna and flora. Littoral substrata and communities are described, and species lists appended. It is a narrow, sheltered...

Habitat point records from 1974 University of Dundee Loch Inchard littoral survey

9 sites in Loch Inchard form the basis of brief descriptions of the littoral fauna and flora. Littoral substrata and communities are described, and species lists appended. It is a narrow, sheltered...

Living England Segmentation (2019)

This is the spatial framework around which the Living England Phase II habitat classification is based. The segmentation was created in the Trimble eCognition software using Sentinel-2 Analysis...

AQMA Tube Location - Ipswich

Ipswich Borough Council monitors air quality using a combination of continuous analysers and diffusion tubes. The Continuous analyser is serviced by an external contractor and the data is...

Floorspace of selected night time economy establishments by town centre

Floorspace of selected night time economy establishments by town centre data. The Town centre boundaries used are from the 2016 Town Centre Health Check. > [This dataset is included in the...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)

A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is the land notified as an SSSI under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), as amended. Sites notified under the 1949 Act only are not included in...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Rockall survey

Rockall and its associated reefs are situated 306 km west of St Kilda on the Rockall Plateau, and are isolated from the shallow waters around Britain by the Rockall Trough, which reaches depths of...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Rockall survey

Rockall and its associated reefs are situated 306 km west of St Kilda on the Rockall Plateau, and are isolated from the shallow waters around Britain by the Rockall Trough, which reaches depths of...

Wiltshire Council - Article 4 Directions

Article 4 directions are made when the character of an area of acknowledged importance would be threatened. They are most common in conservation areas. You will probably know if your property is...

Potential Sites of Hydropower Opportunity

PLEASE NOTE: This record has been Retired. Potential Sites of Hydropower Opportunity will no longer be updated. Many factors have changed since this data was created in 2010 such as waterbody...

Areas of Identified Tidal Stream Resource defining boundary of policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Feature Service (WFS)

The dataset sets out areas of identified tidal stream resource that could be harnessed in the future for power generation and as such are protected by policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East...

Areas of Identified Tidal Stream Resource defining boundary of policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The dataset sets out areas of identified tidal stream resource that could be harnessed in the future for power generation and as such are protected by policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East...

Areas of Identified Tidal Stream Resource defining boundary of policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans

The dataset sets out areas of identified tidal stream resource that could be harnessed in the future for power generation and as such are protected by policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East...

National Diabetes Audit: Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia, Diabetes Prevention Programme

The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) is a joint commitment from NHS England & Improvement, Public Health England (now Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) and Diabetes UK...

Planning Applications Decisions - Other Developments, England, District by Outcome

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and outcome District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities, national...

Planning Applications Decisions - Other Developments, England, District by Development Type

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and type of development District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary...

Planning Applications Decisions - Major and Minor Developments , England, District by Development Type

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and type of development District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary...

Planning Applications Decisions - Major and Minor Developments, England, District by Outcome

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and outcome. District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities, national...

Planning Applications Decisions - All Developments, England, District by Speed of Decision

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and speed of decision District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities,...

National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (NCERM) - National (2018 - 2021)

The National Coastal Erosion Risk shows the coastal baseline. This baseline is split to ‘frontages’. These are defined as lengths of coast with consistent characteristics based on the cliff...