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Work Programme Official Statistics

Statistics to show the number of referrals, attachments, job outcomes & sustainment payments to the Work...

New Enterprise Allowance official statistics

Official statistics on New Enterprise Allowance from April 2011 onwards. Source agency: Work and...

Young People and Museums in Northern Ireland

This triennial series of publications provides information on school children aged 11-16 years and their visits to museums (school based survey). Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern...

England Natural Environment Indicators

The indicators developed to measure progress against the Natural Environment White Paper which is the Government’s vision for the natural environment over the next 50 years. Source agency:...

Place Survey

The Place Survey collects the views of people on a range of issues concerning the place they live. Its results are used to measure progress on National Indicators in the Local Performance...

Local Authority Icelandic Bank Investments

This release relates to the local authority Icelandic bank investments based on a survey of 482 authorities in England as at 31 December 2008. Source agency: Communities and Local...

Northern Ireland Cancer Waiting Times

This release gives details of the waiting times for patients accessing cancer services at hospitals in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety (Northern...

Accessibility statistics

Report describes measures of accessibility by public transport, walking and cycling to seven service types: primary and secondary schools, further education, GPs, hospitals, food shops and...

Fire and Rescue Service Operational Statistics

Statistics relating to the operational issues affecting fire and rescue services in England. It includes information on personnel, equality and diversity, health and safety, and operational...

Northern Ireland Municipal Waste Management Statistics

This report concerns Municipal and Household waste management for all 26 District Councils in Northern Ireland in the annual reporting year. Source agency: Environment (Northern...

Local authority tenant satisfaction in 2008: Results from local authority STATUS surveys

This paper gives results from STATUS surveys including local authority tenants’ satisfaction with landlord services (National Indicator 160). Source agency: Communities and Local...

Hearing Aid Assessments and Re-assessments

This publication has been discontinued having taken into account responses received following a public consultation carried out in February 2013. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public...

Charitable giving indicators

Report showing the total amount of charitable giving received by DCMS-funded cultural institutions, and also presents this charitable giving as a ratio of grant-in-aid. Source agency: Culture,...

Practice-based Commissioning: GP Practice Survey

Covers a sample of practices from each primary care trust and aims to get feedback from practices on their perception of the support offered by their PCT. Source agency: Health Designation:...

Indicators on breastfeeding and smoking

Local NHS data on: breastfeeding initiation rates and 6-8 weeks breastfeeding rates; smoking at time of delivery; GP-recorded smoking status among adults Source agency: Health Designation:...

Adults and the arts in Northern Ireland

This annual series of publications provides information on adults and their engagement with the arts. Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics...

Mandatory Programmes

This publication covers statistics on the following Mandatory Programmes - Mandatory Work Activity and Skills...

Further Education for Benefit Claimants

Analysis of the role of training in improving the employment and earnings outcomes of learners and helping them off benefits, using BIS, DWP and HMRC shared data. Source agency: Business,...

Anti-social Behaviour Family Intervention Projects

Outcomes, service effectiveness and capacity of family intervention projects to support vulnerable and chaotic families from April 09 to March 11. Future editions of this publication can be found...

Mortgage Rescue Scheme Monitoring Statistics

Statistics submitted to CLG by local authorities on the Mortgage Rescue Scheme Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...