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1,224 results found

Barnet Pension Fund - Alternative and Private Funds

Information about Barnet Council's Pension Alternative and Private Funds - names and vintage years of private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, real estate/REIT, debt, infrastructure...

Table and documents used in the production of responses to information requests including parliamentary questions, and also the requesters contact details where relevant

Labour Market Outputs

Small Area Unemployment estimates

Labour Market Outputs

Briefing material and analysis to support published LFS aggregates

Labour Market Outputs

ONS VML Workforce Jobs Survey

Labour Market Survey.

Data warehouse of Labour Force Survey national and regional aggregate results

Labour Market Outputs

Housing summary measures

An overview of the affordability and availability of home ownership and social renting at the local authority level in England and Wales, as well as the affordability of private rented housing....

House Price Index Guidance

Trends in the UK housing market is an article bringing together various published sources of UK housing market statistics. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official...

2013 - 2013 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Solent Bass Pre-recruit Survey (FSS: SOLENT) September 2013

A trawl survey of bass in the Solent carried out by Cefas in September 2013 as part of a time series that commenced in the late 1970s. The purpose of the survey is to develop a time-series of...

2014 - 2014 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Solent Bass Pre-recruit Survey (FSS: SOLENT) September 2014

A trawl survey of bass in the Solent carried out by Cefas in September 2014 as part of a time series that commenced in the late 1970s. The purpose of the survey is to develop a time-series of...

2015 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Solent Bass Pre-recruit Survey (FSS: SOLENT) September 2015

A trawl survey of bass in the Solent carried out by Cefas in September 2015 as part of a time series that commenced in the late 1970s. The purpose of the survey is to develop a time-series of...

2014, Brown and May Marine Ltd, Kentish Flats Extension, Pre-construction Otter, 2m Beam and Bass Net Trawl Survey

In order to monitor the abundance and composition of fish and epibenthic species within the area, otter and beam and bass trawl surveys were undertaken within and adjacent to the proposed Kentish...

2006, Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CMACS), Burbo Banks Offshore Wind Farm, Year 1: Pre-Construction Environmental Monitoring

This project relates to the environmental monitoring that was undertaken at the site of Burbo Bank Offshore Wind Farm to fulfill the FEPA requirements. Monitoring is undertaken by a series of...

2006, Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CMACS), Burbo Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Pre-Construction Photographic Cable Route Survey

A photographic survey was undertaken specifically to meet the requirements of English Nature to monitor areas within the Mersey Estuary and North Wirral Foreshore pSPA following cable plowing works

Historic Landfill Sites - Quarterly Summary

This data is a national historic landfill dataset that defines the location of and provides specific attributes for known historic landfill sites. An historic landfill is a site where there is no...

WFD Cycle2 TraC seagrass classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for the seagrass sub-element of the angiosperms element in transitional and coastal water bodies....

Permanent dwellings started, England, District By Tenure

This data set contains annual data and the most recent quarterly data on house building starts. From 2011/12 imputed data is included. Imputed data should not be seen as an estimate for the...

Input indicator: bonus grant per dwelling

This is the Total New Homes Bonus grant payable for a financial year, divided by number of dwellings rewarded. Calculations are available separately for shire areas, metropolitan areas and...

Remaining Landfill Capacity

Datasets for remaining landfill capacity by site in England at the end of the calendar year. Data is available for 2015-2022 on this record. Permitted landfill operators have a condition in...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B5b, Marine pollution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B5b, Marine pollution. Pollution by hazardous heavy metals and pesticides can have adverse effects on the marine environment...