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3,013 results found

Infant mortality (NHSOF 1.6.i)

Infant mortality is defined as the number of babies dying before the age of one for every 1,000 live births. Purpose Infant mortality is a measure of the longer term consequences of perinatal...

Pupil expenditure

Combined LEA and school based expenditure per pupil: Cash terms Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Innovation in mapping ecosystem services and understanding the ecosystems approach to the protected site

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report mostly narrative. 3 technical reports contain data. This project is collaboration with Biodiversity and Ecosystem...

Shoreline Management Plan Mapping

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA196. This dataset identifies which second generation Shoreline Management Plan is applicable to a particular stretch of coastline. It also...

Expenditure Reporting 2013/14

Council expenditure over £500 is published as part of a drive to improve openness and transparency. For reasons of privacy, payments to individuals including foster carers, children's and adult...

Expenditure Reporting 2015/16

With the aim of going over and above the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, the Council now publishes all Council expenditure down to the smallest payment.   The Council...

New Deal for 25-Plus (ND25pl)

Starts to New Deal for 25plus. New Deal ran between 1998 and 2011. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super Output...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report

This report takes data from the Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR), Short and Long Term (SALT) collection and Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA) return to provide information regarding adult...

Trends in consultation rates in General Practice

Describes the population and practices contributing to the analysis in terms of geographical location, list size and overall age-sex structure. Analyses trends in consultations by age and sex...

World Heritage Sites GIS Data

GIS spatial data for World Heritage Sites and their Buffer Zones, where existing, as inscribed by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO. World Heritage Sites and their Buffer Zones are defined by...

Unplanned hospitalisation for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s (NHSOF 2.3.ii)

This indicator measures how many young people (aged 0-18 inclusive) who have asthma, diabetes or epilepsy are admitted to hospital in an emergency. Purpose This outcome is concerned with how...

Habitat point records from 1969 Gage Lochs Etive, Creran and Lochnell Bay sublittoral survey

The vertical distribution of the benthic fauna associated with soft sediments in sealochs was investigated by divers taking pairs of core samples at a series of depth levels along a transect from...

Health-related quality of life for carers (NHSOF 2.4)

This indicator measures health-related quality of life for people who identify themselves as helping or supporting family members, friends, neighbours or others with their long-term physical or...

Adult Social Care - Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care

Discontinued in 2013/14 and replaced by the SALT (Short and Long Term Support) return this annual statutory return contains details of Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Adult Social...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Total

This data set contains 2012-based household projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’ household...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Population

This data contains household 2012 based population projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Total

This data set contains 2012-based household projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’ household...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Population

This data contains household 2012 based population projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’...