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Census 2022 – Localities

Larger settlements are divided into localities to reflect areas which are more easily identifiable as the towns and cities of Scotland. Statistics produced from this geography can be used to...

FCA: Product sales data - 2023

The FCA has published the latest edition of its Product Sales Data (PSD) statistics. The FCA publishes the aggregated PSD received from firms operating in the mortgages, retail investments 1...

UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP)- strandings around the UK coast (1990-present)

The collaborative UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) has been running since 1990 and is funded by Defra and the Devolved Administrations. It coordinates the investigation of all...

Greenhouse gas and water chemistry measurements for the Clyde river, tributaries and estuary, 2021-2022

Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and physio-chemical water properties are available for a two-year period (January 2020 - December 2021) across twenty-six locations in the River Clyde and its...

Compilation of sediment core data from the glacial North Pacific, sourced from the literature. (NERC grant NE/N011716/1)

Collection of North Pacific core-top foraminifera census data. Grant abstract: The geological record offers an invaluable window into the different ways earth's climate can operate. The most recent...

Settlements - Scotland

Settlements of Scotland are built-up areas which round to 500 people or more. Statistics produced from this geography can be used to help understand the demographics of local...

Wrecks Ecology

The project develops an increased understanding of the environmental interactions of wreck sites and the (potentially cumulative) impacts on wreck sites from aggregate extraction. As a part of the...

The oxygen fugacity of core segregation and the redox evolution of the mantle: constraints from iron and chromium isotopes (NERC grant NE/F014295/2)

This project is aimed at understanding what kind of conditions the Earth's core formed under and how this affected the amount of oxygen present in the rocky interior of the Earth. It uses...

Current Relative Value of ecosystem resilience (CuRVe)

CuRVe is a series of interconnected web-based maps that together form an atlas. It is a tool that can help users to explore how ecosystem resilience varies across Wales and understand the...

Local Landscape Areas - Fife

Dataset provides details of areas where the scenery is highly valued locally and designated to ensure that the landscape is not damaged by inappropriate development. The designations raise...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA8 Portland Bill area Cruise Report for Emu Surveyor, SeaTrax Xplorer and MV Otter (English Channel)

Cruise report for Multibeam swath bathymetry, sidescan sonar and underwater video survey in the vicinity of Portland Bill as part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy...

Natural Heritage Futures

Many countries around the world have begun to adopt zonation systems as a strategic framework to guide their approach to the conservation, enhancement, understanding and use of the natural...

Localities - Scotland

Larger settlements are divided into localities to reflect areas which are more easily identifiable as the towns and cities of Scotland. Statistics produced from this geography can be used to...

Land-use and climate change for 1.5 and 2.0 degrees centigrade warming scenarios (JULES land surface model)

This dataset includes six sets of model output from JULES/IMOGEN simulations. Each set includes output from JULES (the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) run with 34 climate change patterns from...

Modelling Exclusion Zones for Marine Aggregate Dredging

The Modelling Exclusion Zones for Marine Aggregate Dredging project is funded through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund as disbursed by English Heritage. The project investigates the...

Uranium isotopes (234U/235U/238U) and uranium concentration data on a suite of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial samples. (NERC grant NE/H023933/1)

This data compilation contains uranium isotopes (234U/235U/238U) and concentration data on a suite of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial samples for understanding the uranium isotope cycling on...

Council Current Spending

Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are facing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may not be possible for us to meet the timescales stipulated with regard to Council Spend Data...

Health Inequalities Strategy Indicators

Health inequalities are the differences in health and wellbeing, risk or outcomes, between different groups of people. Tackling health inequalities requires knowledge about the factors affecting...

Map of Community Views

Image: Snapshot from the Map of Community...

FCA: Product sales data - 2021

The FCA has published the latest edition of its Product Sales Data (PSD) statistics. The FCA publishes the aggregated PSD received from firms operating in the mortgages, retail investments, and...