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Attainment Data by Ward for Primary Schools

Attainment data for children at various stages in early years and primary education: * Early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP); * Year 1 Phonics; * Key Stage 1 (KS1); * Key Stage 2...

2021 Census Topic Summary Labour Market & Travel To Work

2021 Census Topic Summary Labour Market & Travel To Work 4th tranche of 2021 Census 'Topic Summary' tables: Labour Market & Travel to Work. These are a set of univariate tables for the...

Crime rates by London Borough

Numbers of recorded offences, and rates of offences per thousand population, by broad crime grouping, by financial year and borough. Rate is given as per thousand population, and are calculated...

Business Demography

Business demography data counts numbers of active businesses with turnover or employment in a reporting year. It also indicates numbers of new businesses (business births) and numbers of...

NHS England Clinical Commissioning Group and Local Authority Information Packs

NHS England's information packs at Local Authority and CCG level that set out key data to inform the local position on outcomes. The Local Authority packs present high-level comparative information...

Sandwell MBC Continuous Air Quality Assessment -Annual Mean Pollutant Concentrations

Location of sites where air quality monitoring has been undertaken and the annual mean concentration for a range of pollutants has been calculated by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. The...

Species point records from 1989 UMBSM Arisaig and Moidart sealochs survey

Five sealochs to the north-east of the Ardnamurchan Peninsula were surveyed during 1989 as part of the survey of the Scottish sealochs. All of the lochs were markedly different in character. Loch...

Habitat point records from 1989 UMBSM Arisaig and Moidart sealochs survey

Five sealochs to the north-east of the Ardnamurchan Peninsula were surveyed during 1989 as part of the survey of the Scottish sealochs. All of the lochs were markedly different in character. Loch...

Species point records from 1983 Collins Selsey Bill to East Solent sublittoral survey

This report contains the results of 15 days diving (May-September 1983) between the East Solent and Selsey Bill. Observations from previous years are also included. The underwater geology of this...

Habitat point records from 1983 Collins Selsey Bill to East Solent sublittoral survey

This report contains the results of 15 days diving (May-September 1983) between the East Solent and Selsey Bill. Observations from previous years are also included. The underwater geology of this...

Labour Force Survey Religion Report

To compare Roman Catholic and Protestant labour market outcomes. Source agency: Office of the First and Deputy First Minister Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Mothers in the Labour Market

Analysis of the employment trends and characteristics of working mothers, compared to women without children and working fathers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Comparison of UK and EU at-risk-of-poverty rates

Compares the at-risk-of-poverty rates for the UK and EU between 2005 and 2010. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Species point records from 1985 OPRU HRE Salcombe Harbour & Kingsbridge Estuary survey

Salcombe Harbour and the Kingsbridge Estuary are situated on the south coast of Devon and are constituted by a steep-sided main channel with branches. The length of the main channel is 8 km from...

Habitat point records from 1985 OPRU HRE Salcombe Harbour & Kingsbridge Estuary survey

Salcombe Harbour and the Kingsbridge Estuary are situated on the south coast of Devon and are constituted by a steep-sided main channel with branches. The length of the main channel is 8 km from...

Special Educational Needs (SEN) - Primary Schools

Number of pupils with Special Educational Needs in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...


Year 1 (Y1) primary school pupils phonics data who met the Expected Standard for Phonics by School Ward for the period 2013 onwards.The data is by school location, rather than by pupil residence....

Net Residential Approvals by Month

The number of residential units, net of losses, approved by month. This is the sum of residential units approved minus the units lost from planning permissions granted during the given month, as...

Global City Population Estimates

Population of Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or more in 2014, by city, 1950-2030 (thousands). Data for 1,692 cities contained in the Excel file. Note: Each country has its own...

What can we learn about social integration in London from Twitter?

At the beginning of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Ipsos MORI to develop a deeper understanding of social integration using publicly accessible Twitter data.  The research...