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417 results found

2000 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sanday intertidal broad-scale mapping survey

The island of Sanday in the Orkney Islands has a low-lying, indented coastline with extensive rocky shores and headlands broken by long, clean sand beaches and muddy inlets. A large section of the...

2000 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sanday intertidal broad-scale mapping survey

The island of Sanday in the Orkney Islands has a low-lying, indented coastline with extensive rocky shores and headlands broken by long, clean sand beaches and muddy inlets. A large section of the...

Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN) Contaminants, nutrients, biological and eutrophication effects in water - 1999 onwards

The Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN) is a national database which holds and provides access to data collected under the Clean Safe Seas Environmental...

Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN) Contaminants and biological effects in sediment -1989 onwards

The Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN) is a national database which holds and provides access to data collected under the Clean Safe Seas Environmental...

Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN) Contaminants and biological effects in biota - 1989 onwards

The Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN) is a national database which holds and provides access to data collected under the Clean Safe Seas Environmental...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion with recycling real flue gas was presented at the CSLF Call project...

Coupled Mg/Ca - D47 isotope data on foraminifera and calibration samples (NERC grant NE/M003752/1)

We used existing coretop samples from several sites from the Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans (Fig. 1 and Table S1) to test the relationship between Mg/Ca ratios and D47 values in...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Novel Materials and Reforming Processing Route for the Production of Ready-Separated CO2/N2/H2 from Natural Gas Feedstocks

The world's population is predicted to grow from the current 7 billions to a plateau of approximately 9.2 billions to be reached within the next 60 years, representing roughly a 30 % increase in a...

Contaminated Land (Confirmed) - Scotland

Land is legally defined as 'contaminated' where substances are causing or could cause significant harm to people, property or protected species as well as causing significant pollution to surface...

U-Pb isotopic data for Chelyabinsk meteorite phosphates (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1)

U-Pb isotope ratio data set for numerous phosphate (apatite) grains in two thin section samples of the LL5 S4-6 Chelyabinsk meteorite. One section is of the S4-6 light lithology, and another of the...

Northern Peru Regional Geochemical Exploration Survey.

During the period 1967 to 1971 a team of geoscientists carried out a programme of regional geological mapping in parts of Peru and a low-density regional geochemical exploration survey of the...

Report: Longannet ScottishPower Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 02: FEED Cost Abstract

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what would be required from an engineering,...

Report: Longannet ScottishPower Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 07: Risk Management Abstract

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what would be required from an engineering,...

Habitat Impact Assessment (upland protected areas)

This dataset combines all available field data for upland habitat impact assessment (HIA) survey work commissioned by SNH between 2004 and 2018 using the methods described in (Macdonald et al...

Triaxial compressive strength data of tests conducted at elevated temperature on hydrothermalised basalt samples from Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica) and oceanic crust basalt from Cocos Plate

This dataset contains raw (clean but not interpreted) triaxial compressive strength data of tests conductive at elevated pressure and temperature as outlined in "Vannucchi, P., Clarke, A., de...

Transport Performance Statistics by 200 metre grids for subset of Urban Centres in GB

Experimental public transit transport performance statistics by 200 metre grids for a subset of urban centres in Great Britain, with the following fields (Note: These data are experimental, please...

Transport Performance Statistics by 200 metre grids for subset of Urban Centres in France

Experimental public transit transport performance statistics by 200 metre grids for a subset of urban centres in France, with the following fields (Note: These data are experimental, please see the...