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27 results found

Resources of Global City Comparison Indicators

A list of some key resources for comparing London with other world cities. European Union/Eurostat, [Urban Audit]( Arcadis, [Sustainable...

London Elections Results 2016, Wards, Boroughs, Constituency

DATA ---- The results for the Mayoral and Assembly elections down to constituency level are available (including turnout and spoils etc). * [All...

Welsh Fishermen’s Association (WFA-CFC) (WFACPC) 2021 Welsh Fishermen’s Association - Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru (WFA-CPC) Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC Benthic and Geophysical surveys

Within the project (WFA-CPC EMFF Protecting Our Seas), benthic and geophysical surveys were undertaken in the Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC to explore the location of Sabellaria alveolata reefs,...

2021 Welsh Fishermen’s Association - Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru (WFA-CPC) Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC Benthic and Geophysical surveys

MEDIN Data. Within the project (WFA-CPC EMFF Protecting Our Seas), benthic and geophysical surveys were undertaken in the Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC to explore the location of Sabellaria...

London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure (development work)

The Mayor of London committed to developing a London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure in his [2021 manifesto](

Focus on London 2000-2009

![Focus on London]( **Focus on London 2000-2009 archive** **Focus on London 2009** Packed with interesting...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Weekly Update

Dataset no longer updated Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this dataset is no longer updated. Latest information about COVID-19 is available via the [UKHSA...