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The Big Tree Plant website forms.

The Big Tree Plant website forms. These are in the form of encrypted emails to the Big Tree Plant mailbox (

HSE website annual survey

Online customer satisfaction surveys of HSE’s website visitors have been conducted in 2010, 2011 and 2013, by a HSE appointed supplier; the research company Join the Dots. Survey results are...

Website visitor survey - 2013

external Survey on customer satisfaction regarding EA website Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2016. All rights reserved.

Green Links

Areas of linked but separate open spaces and the footpaths between them. Accessible to the public, covers other pedestrian & cycle routes ie not green see LDF Core Strategy Appendix 4

Strategic Export Controls: Reports and Statistics Website

An online database of export control licensing statistics issued by the Export Control Organisation. The database provides both bespoke and published quarterly and annual export licensing... website statistics

Website analytics for between 2009 and 2013

Website Statistics (Archived)

** Note: This dataset has been archived and is no longer being updated due to a change in analytics platform. You can find the new dataset relating to Website Statistics in the following link;...

Website analytics for

Daily analytics data on the number of visitors to the council website. Additional information For more information click the following...

Linked police and hospital road casualty database

The database links record level data collected by the police(STATS19) and processed by DfT with Hospital Admissions (HES) data. The linking is undertaken by the NHS Information Centre and an...

The Linked Open British National Bibliography

Please note: The Linked Open BNB has moved to a new (beta) home: The British National Bibliography is the first national bibliography tenant for the Share Family...

Hackney Green Links

Areas of linked but separate open spaces and the footpaths between them. Accessible to the public, covers other pedestrian & cycle routes. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been...

Highway Drain Links

Highway Drains in Sheffield. Highway Drains data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The positions and information shown are...

Watercourse Culvert Links

Watercourse culvert links in Sheffield. Watercourse data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The positions and information shown...

Open Watercourse Links

Open Watercourses in Sheffield. Watercourse data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The positions and information shown are...

Marine human activities-pressures links table

This standardised UK pressure-activities matrix was created following a review of previous attempts to link human activities to marine pressures. Coastal and marine ecosystems have historically...

UK Radon Website

UK Radon Website. Provides access to radon data from joint venture with British Geological Survey & radon risk reports

ADM Collingham Link Road

Indicative line of the Collingham Link Road identified in the Co/MU/1 Mixed Use Allocation within the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

Eco Corridor - Aspirational Links

Corridors which improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce

Sustainable Drainage System Links

SuDS Links in Sheffield. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The positions and...

CYC's Constitution - Live Link

Live link to [__City of York Council's Constitution__]( documents.