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14,428 results found

Vadose zone nitrate contained within cave drip waters and speleothems

This data set contains a record of nitrate concentrations and isotopic composition present within the drip waters and speleothem carbonate deposits of Cueva-cubío del Llanío, northern Spain. Data...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2014

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2014, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2013

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2013, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2012

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2012, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2015

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2015, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Datasets containing multiple diversity metrics of planktonic foraminifera (NERC grant NE/I00551X/1)

Two datasets containing multiple diversity metrics of planktonic foraminifera. Recent data is from MARGO (Multiproxy approach for the reconstruction of the glacial ocean surface); Eocene data is...

CDC Fund Information Q2 2013

List of all CDC Group plc's fund investments, including commitment, vintage, outstanding commitment, geographic and sector focus, domicile and whether the fund has other Development Finance...

The number and individual weight of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris audax) from nests containing neonicotinoids in Wester Ross, UK

This dataset contains a colony performance indicator monitored from Bumblebee colonies of similar mass after 43-48 days in the field. The weight in milligrams (mg) is given of each surviving bee...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Multiphase flow modelling for risk assessment of dense phase CO2 pipelines containing impurities

This project will develop and experimentally validate a heterogeneous flow model for predicting the transient depressurisation and outflow following the puncture of dense phase CO2 pipelines...

CAP UK Payments Public storage transactions as contained within the Market Scheme data 2009

Amounts received by UK beneficiaries under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The information is published annually (30th April) to meet the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No...

Data files from study of Thermoremanent behavior in synthetic samples containing natural oxyexsolved titanomagnetite (NERC grant NE/I013873/1)

All the raw experimental data obtained for the study reported in Hodgson, E., Grappone, J. M., Biggin, A. J., Hill, M. J., & Dekkers, M. J. (2018). Thermoremanent behavior in synthetic samples...

Free energy calculations of noble-gas containing liquid iron and silicate melt (NERC Grant NE/S01134X/1)

Free energy calculations of noble-gas containing liquid iron and silicate melts at 50 GPa (3500 K) and 135 GPa (4200 K). The chemical potentials of noble gases can be obtained from these...

Lipid biomarker data relating to anammox bacteria in sediment records containing Mediterranean sapropels (NERC Grant NE/N011112/1)

Spreadsheet containing three tabs of biomarker concentration data for three Mediterranean sapropel records. Core LC21 was collected at 1522m water depth in the Aegean Sea by the R/V Marion...

Herbivory occurrence and intensity of Clidemia hirta and native Melastoma plants in oil palm-dominated landscapes containing embedded rainforest remnants, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2019

This dataset contains measurements of herbivory occurrence and herbivory intensity within 21 oil palm dominated sites in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Within each site, herbivory measurements were...

EPSRC Project: CONTAIN - The impaCt of hydrOcarbon depletioN on the Treatment of cAprocks within performance assessment for CO2 InjectioN schemes

The UK is committed to meeting stringent carbon dioxide emission targets over the next 35 years. One potentially valuable technology in achieving this target is the development of Carbon Capture...

Archived geochemical, geospatial, and geochronological data associated with individual rock units contained within stratigraphic columns (covering North America and New Zealand) in the database (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1) is a live database project collecting geochemical, geospatial, and geochronological data associated with specific rock units within stratigraphic columns with a geographic footprint....

Barnet Pension Fund - Alternative and Private Funds

Information about Barnet Council's Pension Alternative and Private Funds - names and vintage years of private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, real estate/REIT, debt, infrastructure...

21CXRM Phase 2 East Shetland Platform Data Package

Integrated petroleum systems (PeST) studies and seep evaluations of the East Shetland Platform and SW Approaches area of the UKCS.  The studies were carried out as an industry collaboration as...

Geochemistry and geochronology data relating to the II-RHY-1 tephra horizon, the Thórsmörk Ignimbrite, and Torfajökull and Tindfjallajökull volcanoes, Iceland. (NERC NE/L002493/1)

The data are associated with a paper entitled 'Widespread tephra dispersal and ignimbrite emplacement from a subglacial volcano (Torfajökull, Iceland)' by J Moles et al. (2019). See paper for full...

CLiP Vanuatu Microplastics in biota 2018

This dataset contains 2 csv files. One file contains data on microplastic abundance expressed in number of particles from biota samples (tuna stomachs, land crabs and reef fish) collected around...