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Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (2019 update)

Northumberland Brownfield Land Register - December 2019

Lancaster City Council Brownfield Register 2019 updated

Lancaster City Council Brownfield Register 2019 updated The Council republished its brownfield land register data on the 10th December 2019. The register will be uploaded annually. The data...

Sustainable Transport Strategy - Transport for London Updates and Information

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. Transport for London run much of the London network including roads, trains and...

Priority Habitats - Grassland Inventory Update

This data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern Ireland. The research focused on identifying grassland habitats that are a priority...

Coronary Heart Disease Statistics update

Annual update of heart disease statistics, including mortality, hospital activity and operations, incidence and prescribing. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...

CPI and RPI Index: Updating Weights

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure the changes from month to month in the cost of a representative 'basket' of goods and services bought by consumers within...

A quarterly updated list of all mutuals supported by the Mutuals Support Programme, according to public service area in which they are supported

Number of Mutuals supported by the Mutuals Support Programme according to the number of public service areas in which they are supported. For more information on the programme please visit...

Gender Equality Strategy : Baseline Picture Update

Provides a variety of indicators measuring the gender equality situation in Northern Ireland Source agency: Office of the First and Deputy First Minister Designation: Official Statistics not...

FCA update on cash savings - December 2023

The FCA updates on progress in the cash savings market since it published its review in July 2023. In July the FCA published a review of the cash savings market, setting out an action plan to...

Updating Fisheries Sensitivity Maps in British Waters

The requirement to display sensitive areas relating to the life history of commercially important fish species in British waters is well recognized. Sensitive areas have previously been described...

Seawilding Seagrass Restoration 2022 Project Update

2022 annual research report of seagrass restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

Seawilding Seagrass Restoration 2021 Project Update

2022 annual research report of seagrass restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

Covid-19 vaccinations by age band July 2022 population updates

The number and percentage of Covid-19 fully vaccinated people by age band.  Population estimates are based on National Immunisation Management Service counts.This dataset has been updated to...

London Borough of Barnet Playing Pitch Strategy Update - 2021/22

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

Regulator of Social Housing TSM Technical Requirements – Updated 15 March 2024

This document sets out the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) data definitions and requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing that all registered providers must meet. These definitions were...

Graduate Outcomes SOC 2020 update: UK, 2017/18

This bulletin has been produced by HESA and has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. The data presented in this bulletin is based on the 2017/18...

Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) website section updates

Annual updates to various sections of the ScotPHO website, including key points, policy context, key data sources, references and data summaries. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National...

Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index: Updating Weights

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure the changes from month to month in the cost of a representative 'basket' of goods and services bought by consumers within...

Paper file retrievals from HMRC Document Storage Repositories

Total volumes of all paper files requested from HMRC Document Storage Repositories. Updated: daily required for monthly update.

Annual updates to Income and Employment domains of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

Updates to the income and employment domains that formed part of SIMD 2009 Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...