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Land under environmental management

Survey of land under environmental management Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Sample Simulacrum underlying tables

The Simulacrum ( is a synthetic dataset populated entirely with simulated cancer patients. In order to enhance public understanding of the methodology...

Council properties under-occupation

Dataset showing those properties which are deemed to be under occupation. These have all had a reduction in their housing benefit. In some cases the reduction has been paid for by a Discretionary...

Housing monitoring under construction 2014

The purpose of this feature is to show the location of Housing Monitoring land that is under construction.

NI 112 - Under 18 conception rate

The rate includes all conceptions under 18 but uses the female population aged 15-17 as a denominator to calculate the rate (as 95% of under 18 conceptions occur within this age group). Conception...

Under Eighteen Support Team System

Under Eighteen Support Team Database containing details of Jobseekers Allowance Hardship claims for 16 & 17 year olds. Information includes Name, National Insurance Number, Address and...

NI 112 - Under 18 conception rate

The rate includes all conceptions under 18 but uses the female population aged 15-17 as a denominator to calculate the rate (as 95% of under 18 conceptions occur within this age group). Conception...

Newcastle-under-Lyme Brownfield Land Register

Newcastle-under-Lyme Council's brownfield site register published December 2018 in accordance with Regulation 18(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.

Under 18 conceptions: conceptions in those aged under 16 (per 1,000 females aged 13-15) (Calendar Year)

Under 18 conceptions: conceptions in those aged under 16 (per 1,000 females aged 13-15) (Calendar Year)

Chelmsford Business Rates RV under £18,000

Business rates: Rateable value under £18,000

Teenage mothers (delivery episodes aged under 18)

Teenage mothers (delivery episodes aged under 18)

% of children in poverty (under 16s)

% of children in poverty (under 16s) *This indicator has been discontinued

Number of deaths under 75 (all causes)

Data showing the number of deaths in Plymouth under 75 due to all causes.

Conceptions for those aged under 16

Conceptions for those aged under 16 as a proportion of all 13-15 year olds Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and Health Outcomes Knowledge...

Bassetlaw District Council Housing Monitoring Under Construction 2019

The purpose of the feature is to show the location of Housing Monitoring land under construction. This data includes land with residential planning permission which is under construction between...

Guardianship under the Mental Health Act, 1983

Information on the use of Guardianship under Section 7 and 37 of the Mental Health Act 1983, during the reporting period 1 April - 31 March each year. It contains information on new, continuing and...

Under 75 mortality rate from cancer (NHSOF 1.4)

Directly standardised mortality rate from cancer for people aged under 75, per 100,000 population. Purpose To ensure that the NHS is held to account for doing all that it can to prevent deaths...

Under 75 mortality from cancer (CCGOIS 1.9)

Directly age and sex standardised mortality rate from cancer for people aged under 75 in the respective calendar year per 100,000 registered patients. Current version updated: Sep-16 Next version...

Bassetlaw District Council Housing Monitoring Under Construction 2017

The dataset provides a snapshot of housing schemes with planning permission (commitments) and housing developments currently under construction. The data is updated on an annual basis as part of...

Bassetlaw District Council Housing Monitoring Under Construction 2016

The dataset provides a snapshot of housing schemes with planning permission (commitments) and housing developments currently under construction. The data is updated on an annual basis as part of...