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London’s post-16 trajectories

As London recovers from the effects of COVID-19, it is vital that we understand the educational pathways for young people and do all we can to support them in their journey. We know that the...

2009 round economically active population projections

Projections produced are consistent with both published sets of population projection. The first of these incorporated development trajectories derived from the 2009 Strategic Housing Land...

2009 round ethnic group population projections

Projections were produced consistent with both published sets of population projections. The first of these incorporated development trajectories derived from the 2009 Strategic Housing Land...

Exploring the hidden shallows: inner-shelf reef growth and future trajectories of reef geomorphic change (NERC grant NE/J023329/1)

Four datasets for NERC grant NE/J023329/1, Paluma Shoals reef complex, Halifax Bay, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. DATASET 1: Single Beam acoustic survey data. This dataset comprises the...

2010 round economically active population projections

Projections produced are consistent with the published population projections. These incorporated development trajectories derived from the 2009 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and...

NI 109 Delivery of Sure Start Childrens Centres

The number of centres designated against the number of designations forecast in trajectory, expressed as a percentage. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG...

Ecosim outputs from Mediterranean model - used to look at potential impact of non-native species - Fizzyfish work package 2

Outputs from Bay of Calvi Ecosim model- used to look at potential impact of non-native species. Biomasses of organisms at the start of simulations and those after 100 years, assuming different...

Ecosim outputs from Mediterranean model - used to look at potential impact of non-native species - Fizzyfish work package 2

Outputs from Bay of Calvi Ecosim model- used to look at potential impact of non-native species. Biomasses of organisms at the start of simulations and those after 100 years, assuming different...

NI 109 - Delivery of Sure Start Children's Centres

The number of centres designated against the number of designations forecast in trajectory, expressed as a percentage. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are discontinued. The data for...

NI 109d - Delivery of Sure Start Children's Centres

The number of centres designated against the number of designations forecast in trajectory, expressed as a percentage. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are discontinued. The data for...

The mid-Palaeozoic biotic crisis: setting the trajectory of tetrapod evolution. Northern England, Scottish Borders and Nova Scotia. (NERC grants NE/J020729/1, NE/J021067/1)

The data set consists of rock samples collected from Burnmouth, a core drilled at Norham, from Crumble Edge, Willie's Hole and Nova Scotia from 2012-2016; milled material is included. There is an...

The mid-Palaeozoic biotic crisis: setting the trajectory of tetrapod evolution. Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn, Northern England and the Scottish Borders. (NERC grant NE/J020729/1)

The data set consists of rock samples collected from Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn from 2013-2014; milled material is included. There is an Excel spreadsheet of sample numbers with...

2009 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Projections were produced using both development...

2011 round ethnic group population projections

Two projection variants were produced for the 2011 round: consistent with the published standard- and high- fertility population projections. These population projections incorporated development...

2010 round household projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Household projections were produced consistent with the...

2011 round household projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Two projection variants were produced for the 2011...

2010 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   The 2010 round of projections was the first to be...

Road Link

A Road Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of a road network between two points in the network. Road Links can represent single carriageways, dual...

2012 round ethnic group population projections

For the 2012 round, two sets of ethnic group projections are available: the first consistent with the published trend-based population projection, and the second with the development-linked...

GLA Ward-Level Population Projections 2012 Round, SHLAA-Based, Trend-Constraint Variant

GLA 2012 round ward-level population projections by 5yr age groups using 2009 SHLAA-based housing trajectories. These differ from the standard ward projections in that development data is used to...