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26 results found

Drone RGB imagery (NERC grant NE/P000010/1)

Imagery taken with a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone using the as supplied RGB camera for part of the slopes above the A83 Rest and Be Thankful, Scotland in 2016. Images cover part of the slopes affected...

Water Quality Postcode Look-up

Yorkshire Water's Water Quality Postcode look-up in XML format. Change the final parameter to match the postcode you would like to query (postcode format example = yo16ga for YO01 6GA). *This...

Bowland Shale dataset: field and sample photographs, sample descriptions, microphotographs, x-ray fluorescence, LECO elemental analysis, x-ray diffraction and RockEval pyrolysis from Hind Clough, MHD4 and Cominco S9 (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

The data were produced by Joe Emmings, NERC-funded PhD student at the University of Leicester and British Geological Survey, between 2014 and 2017. Authors of these data: Joe Emmings a, b; Sarah...

Terrestrial Laser Scan data (NERC grant NE/P000010/1)

Terrestrial laser scanning data of the slopes above the A83 Rest and Be Thankful collected by a Riegl LMS Z620i instrument in 2016 after Storms Desmond and Frank from 3 positions. These data are...

Business Carbon Footprint of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire)

The following dataset shows the business carbon footprint and fuel breakdown of the Yorkshire branch of Northern Powergrid. Figures are reported by calendar year. As a result, figures included for...

FGS Target Area - Predator Control for Capercaillie

This dataset is derived from data supplied the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and is based on information from the BTO Bird Atlas 2007-11. Scottish Forestry would like to thanks BTO for their...

FGS Target Area - Predator Control for Black Grouse

This dataset is derived from data supplied the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and is based on information from the BTO Bird Atlas 2007-11. Scottish Forestry would like to thanks BTO for their...

FGS Species Conservation - Grey Squirrel Control

The aim of this FGS option is to support the targeted control of grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) in areas where they are a threat to red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) populations. This support...

Met Office Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Names and salaries are listed for the Senior Civil Servants during the transition from half yearly to quarterly release. Full data will be released at the next quarter. Thank you for your...

Scottish Forestry Open Data (WMS)

This interactive web map service (WMS) contains a suite of Scottish Forestry open data layers (please see the Associated Resources list below). The layers can be switched on and off independently...

Domestic Consumption Monitor - monthly meter readings

Monthly meter readings expressed as mean litres/day. These readings are of customers paying their bill by rateable value. Customers have been selected to be representative of the Yorkshire...

FCS Inventories and Surveys (WMS)

This interactive map service contains the following Forestry Commission Scotland inventory and survey data layers:- - Native Woodland - Integrated Habitat Network - National Forest Inventory...

FCS Admin Boundaries (WMS)

This interactive map service contains the following Forestry Commission Scotland administrative boundaries: - FC Conservancy boundaries - FC Forest District boundaries - Woodlands In & Around...

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer offers one of the world’s most detailed, heighted water networks – showing the flow and precise course of every river, stream, lake and canal in Great...

FCS National Forest Estate (WMS)

This interactive map service contains the following Forestry Commission National Forest Estate data layers:- - National Forest Estate - Recreation Points - National Forest Estate - Recreation...

Daily Customer Meter Data - local area study

A dataset showing daily water consumption readings in cubic metres (m3) from internal and/or external meters in a discrete study in two distribution management areas (DMAs) in Yorkshire between...

Concentrations of plant growth promoting compounds in soils and hydroponics due to the interaction of plants and earthworms

Data comprise phytohormone concentrations (plant growth hormones: adenosine, zeatin, isopentenyladenosine, indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid) measured during plant growth experiments in soil...

Skills for London's economy

As London looks ahead to a skills devolution deal, the capital has ambitions to create an adult skills system that is more responsive to the needs of the local economy. This work reflects on the...

Mississippian Bowland Shale dataset: from Hind Clough, Marl Hill 4 (MHD4) and Cominco S9 (Craven Basin, UK). Iron Speciation, total organic carbon and selected major and trace element geochemical data (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

This dataset was acquired as part of a NERC-funded Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) PhD Studentship at the University of Leicester and British Geological Survey between 2014-2018 [grant no....

Nanoindentation of shales from the Horn River Basin, North West Canada (NERC Grant NE/R018057/1, NE/R017840/1, NE/R017565/1)

This dataset contains results from nanoindentation testing of five shale samples from the Horn River Basin (core from wells A100B/94 and D94A/94). The samples are from the following formations: A3...