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130 results found

A Cancer Survival Index for Clinical Commissioning Groups

This statistical bulletin presents a cancer survival index for all cancers combined, and for breast, colorectal and lung cancers combined. A one-year survival index is presented for Clinical...

Northern Ireland Annual Cancer Incidence and Survival Statistics

This report presents trends in cancer incidence and survival updated with incidence and mortality . Source agency: Cancer Registry Northern Ireland Designation: Official Statistics not...

Cancer survival in the 'Spearhead' Primary Care Trusts of England

This presents cancer survival for adult patients (aged 15-99) resident in the 88 (now 62 following NHS reconfiguration in 2006) 'Spearhead' primary care trusts (PCT) in England, compared with those...

An index of cancer survival for Primary Care Trusts in England

This presents an index for all cancers combined for primary care trusts in England Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Survival and performance of Speckled Wood butterflies in relation to microclimate

The datasets were collected during experiments undertaken to examine survival rates and larval performance of Speckled Wood butterflies (Pararge aegeria) in different habitats (grassland and...

Five-year survival from all cancers in children (formerly indicator 1.6.iii) (NHSOF 1.6.ii)

A measure of the proportion of children diagnosed with any type of cancer in a year who are still alive five years after diagnosis. Purpose This indicator attempts to capture the success of the...

Tolerance of ash, oak and beech seedlings grown within woodlands to herbicides for the control of bramble (Alice Holt)

The effect of dormant season applications of triclopyr on the growth and survival of young trees was investigated in two experiments using transplants grown for one season beneath a canopy of...

Probability of survival to age 75 for local authorities in England and Wales

The probability of survival to age 75 estimates the likelihood of a person surviving between birth and age 75. The probabilities of survival are based on the assumption that individuals would...

Online research catalogue: The Ramesseum Papyri

Online research catalogue of the surviving Middle Kingdom papyri from a 13th Dynasty shaft-tomb at Luxor

Survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia

This dataset consists of survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia and the associated analytical code. The data consists of tree censuses collated...

Thames ray tagging and survival 2007/08- Fisheries Science Partnership

To examine, primarily through traditional tagging methods, the survival rates of rays of a range of sizes released after capture by small otter trawlers, gillnetters and linefishing vessels....

In situ seedling growth and survival of ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular trees in a subtropical forest in China

This dataset reports results on seedling growth and survival for two hyphal exclusion experiments in a subtropical forest. The data include survival status, height, total biomass and the biomass of...

Larval mass and survival data for Maniola jurtina under drought stress, UK

Larval mass and survival data for Meadow Brown butterflies (Maniola jurtina) originating from nine different source populations in the UK and reared under one of two host plant treatment groups...

Survival and reproductive success of migrant and resident wildlife in published studies of partially migratory populations

This is a dataset generated from information extracted from previously published studies, for the purpose of a meta-analysis investigating fitness benefits of different migratory strategies in...

Survival of discarded sole in inshore trawl fishery 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The objective of this project was to assess and estimate the survivability of sole caught in the Solent (ICES Subarea VIId) inshore otter trawl fishery. This project follows a previous study of...

National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension, 8th Annual Report, 2017

The information available from this webpage comes from the 8th National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension (NAPH). The NAPH sets out to measure the quality of care provided to people referred to...

VAT registered businesses

Number of VAT-registered businesses recorded. "Enterprise Directorate: Business Start-ups and Closures: VAT Registrations and De-registrations" Please note that there will be no further releases...

National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension, 9th Annual Report, 2018

The information available from this webpage comes from the 9th National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension (NAPH). The NAPH sets out to measure the quality of care provided to people referred to...

National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension, 10th Annual Report, 2019

The information available from this webpage comes from the 10th National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension (NAPH). The NAPH sets out to measure the quality of care provided to people referred to...

Cancer Registration: Incidence, treatment and survival time of lung sarcomatoid cancer in England (2004-2017)

National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2020).Cancer Registration: Incidence and treatment of lung sarcomatoid cancer in England (2004-2017) [Data set]. Public Health England....