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1,416 results found

Secure Registration Scheme

Secure registration scheme:- Records of applications for authorisation to use the DVLA secure registration scheme and records of audits. Names and addresses of applicants

Registration district register

Registration districts in England and Wales, defined for the purposes of the Registration Acts Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind....

VAT registrations per 10,000 adult population

NB: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive is no longer available, so an archive is supplied VAT registrations per 10,000 adult population Source: Small Business Service (SBS) Publisher: DCLG Floor...

Spring Water Supply

Spring water supply areas in Calderdale, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of spring water supplies. Further infromation can...

Mixed Water Supply

Mixed water supply areas in Calderdale, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of mixed water supplies. Further infromation can be...

Norfolk Registration offices

Locations of Registration offices in Norfolk.

Cancer Registrations in England

Presents information on the number of newly diagnosed cases of cancer (incidence) and the age-standardised incidence rates for England. This publication has been discontinued and the data are now...

Private Water Supply - all users on supply - South Ayrshire

Scottish Local Authorities are the regulators for the Scottish Legislation pertaining to Private Water Supplies for human consumption. Further information can be found online at DWQR -The Drinking...

Mains Water Supply

Mains water supply areas in Calderdale, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of mains water supplies. Further infromation can be...

Housing Land Supply

Data showing Housing Land Supply.

Housing land supply

Data showing Housing Land supply in Plymouth

Private Water Supplies

This dataset has been derived from information contained in the UNI-form Private Water Supplies module and as such the positioning of the point features is based on the position of the relevant...

Cattle registrations 2016

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle born in Great Britain, calves dead on registration. Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Housing Land Supply - Aberdeenshire

Local authorities are required to conduct an annual survey of the housing land supply, 'the Housing Land Audit', to determine completions within the timeframe and update forecasts of the housing...

Affordable Housing Supply, England

This release presents data on affordable housing supply in England. This was previously entitled 'Gross Affordable Housing Supply’ and has been renamed to 'Affordable Housing Supply’. This is...

Milk Registration

Spreadsheet containing names and addresses of processors supplying, or users receiving, milk or milk products to feed to farmed animals.

Pre Registration Conservation Areas

Pre Registration Conservation areas in Sheffield.

NI 171 - VAT registration rate

The proportion of VAT registrations per 10,000 adults. Adult VAT registrations include those adults aged 16 plus and is a proxy measure for business start ups.

Housing Land Supply - Scotland

Local authorities are required to conduct an annual survey of the housing land supply, the Housing Land Audit, to determine completions within the timeframe and update forecasts of the housing land...

Cattle registrations in England 2015

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains information on Cattle Registrations in 2015 this includes cattle born in England and calves dead on registration. Attribution...