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274 results found

AFCDT Database

The AFCDT Database contains records of the service No, name, rank, DOB,unit and drug test history for all members of the Armed Forces. The database affords a audiatble data tracking tool to...

Radioactive Substances Permits Corporate Entities

’Please Note: This record was retired as the data is no longer up to date' This dataset comprises basic details of Environmental Permitting Regulations Radioactive Substances Regulation permits...

Statistics from the Northern Ireland Drug Misuse Database

This bulletin summarises information on people presenting to services with problem drug misuse and relates to the 12-month period ending 31 March. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public...

Outcome Indicators for Children Looked After, Twelve months to 30 September

Outcome indicators for children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months, including absences and exclusions, achievements, employment status, cautions and convictions,...

WFD Cycle 2 Priority Substances Classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product and contains classification data for the sub element Priority Substances (abbreviated to PS) as used in the assessment...


Dataset showing hazardous substances safeguarding areas

Hazardous Substances Consent Register

The Council is required by Regulation 28 of the Hazardous Substances Act 1990 to maintain a register of applications lodged with it under the Act.

Drug misuse declared: findings from the British Crime Survey

The extent and trends in illicit drug use among a nationally representative sample of 16 to 59 year olds resident in households in England and Wales. This release is based on results from the Crime...

WFD Cycle 2 priority haz substances classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product and contains classification data for the sub element Priority Hazardous Substances (abbreviated to PHS) as used in the...

Scottish Drug Misuse Database

Information on new individuals that are presenting for specialist assessment from the Scottish Drug Misuse Database. Specifically looking at the profile of new individuals with a specalist...

Drugs Misuse Statistics Scotland

This annual publication presents the latest available information from a range of national data sources relevant to drug misuse. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances represented as polygons.

Freshwater Fish Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) analysis 2022

Fish can be used to indicate the ecological status of a river. These data were produced from the same samples collected as part of the routine sampling and analysis undertaken by the Environment...

Saline Fish Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) analysis 2022

Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) analysis of fish can be used to indicate the ecological status of a river. These data were produced from the same samples collected as part of the routine...

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Radioactive Substances - Public Register Online

This dataset comprises basic details of Environmental Permitting Regulations Radioactive Substances Regulation permits that are placed on the public register. The Environmental Permitting...

Saline Fish Tissue Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) analysis 2022

Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) analysis of fish can be used to indicate the ecological status of a river. These data were produced from samples collected by the Environment Agency ...

Annual average concentrations of toxic substances from the Toxic Organic Micropollutants Survey (TOMPS)

Annual average concentrations of toxic substances from the Toxic Organic Micropollutants Survey (TOMPS)

Drug misusers presenting for treatment who were discharged after 12 weeks

Number of drug misusers triaged into treatment in the year who were discharged after 12 weeks or who remain in treatment beyond a 12 week period Source: National Drug Treatment Monitoring Scheme...